The Online Doppelgänger(s) Topic

I was randomly searching my username on google and found this…

Some guy on some random Chinese gaming site has the same name. They were on this year, so I might be able to contact them. Only problem is, I can’t figure out how to make an account. What should I do?



Why would you have to contact them? It seems pointless to me.


I’d like to solve the mystery. I don’t think we just so happen to have the same series of letters and numbers. Maybe he saw one of my accounts and liked the name…

Do you have a problem with them using your name? What if you both came up with the name? Even if you could contact him, it’s not like you can talk to him.

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Maybe I’m being a kid about this, but don’t you think it’s strange? I’m exited to look into it.

It’s entirely possible for you to use the same nickname without knowing the other one ever existing. For example, think about how many people are named John Smith.


I get that, but John Smith is an actual name. Xing is some place from an anime and 1870 were numbers from my school’s password as a kid.

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There are 7 billion people on earth, and you think no one else could have created the same name as you?
It’s simple probability.


Well if you google xing you get some social network site, and 1870 is just a number. So you’re not the only one who could have come up with that name.

Likewise, I’m not the only one in the world to be called Froku. In fact, because of this I’m actually thinking about changing it by like one letter. But i mean, to each his own nickname?

Actually, Xing is likely a portmanteau of the Xin and Qing dynasties of Imperial China, the latter of which was active in 1870.


He’s just saying it’s a weird coincidence that one of those over 7 billion people mentioned before had the same exact, very specific user name as him, and he just happened to find it on one of the billions users of social media. Who else happens to know what Anime Xing is from, or is interested in the history of it, and decided to choose those numbers for some odd reason.

I believe it’s Full Metal Alchemist.

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Well @Xing1870, your not the only one with a Doppelganger.

and he a picture of my:


This guy. Back in 2010 I made a YouTube channel called “MrCrackerpants” when I was younger. A year later I find this guy stealing my channel name on this weird roaches forum! What in the world?

(And yes on other sites you can find me under “MrCrackerpants”)


What, what? Cockroaches?

What the actual…


Cronk, are you sure this isn’t you? /s
It might just be a coincidence

I have never run into douppleganger before, to be honest. The only other people I’ve met named Ninjanicktf are-well-me.

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I get that this guy probably makes more money than me and stuff but he didn’t even have the decency to use the S.