The Onu Metru Mech

This mech was designed by Nuparu in the Matoran Civil War to help their side win. He designed this mech specifically for the leader of Onu Metru which you can see in the cockpit most of the time. It’s equipped with dual mounted kanoka launchers with extra kanoka on the back and has the prototype versions of the Vahki staffs mounted on the wrists.


Really cool matoran mech. I could easily see this being used in the mines, or on the battlefield. It’s basically an Exo-Toa but for matoran.

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It looks super cool (it also reminds me of an Invasion From Below Mech from HF), but it’s a shame that certain sections look like they’d be impossible to replicate irl.


This design looks super cool! I am particularly impressed with how you built those legs!

I’m going to have to give it like a 4/10 because of all the clipped pieces


Okay, I gave this a second look and I’m not happy, the amount of clipping is tremendous, I’ve never seen this much clipping anywhere! I’m sorry if that is harsh but it really lets down the Moc, the idea, colours and general footprint is good but the amount of “cheating” really puts a frown on my mask face.


The clipped pieces may turn some away, but the concept is awesome. I could easily see this actually being a thing in the BIONICLE universe.


Holy Nuhvok, I thought you meant that the pieces didn’t come in those colors!

It looks like the arm has a mata torso occupying the same space as a Metru torso.

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