The origin of zork

Nooooo, no death for Mr Zork…


remember the first line?

that will have something to do with it

“No. You are alive.
I command you.

Zork woke up.
Who had he been talking to?..
No one, apparently.
Who was that voice?
He decided that he would go towards the strange city,
maybe it’s inhabitants could fix the wound-
speaking of which, somehow he had been healed.
The slash had disappeared entirely. Zork didn’t have time to
wonder how. He was too curious too see the city,
for some reason.He set off towards the city,
unaware that the Games Master
had been longing for a new player…

“For Without Players, Where’s the game?!”

to be continued…

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this sounds interesting

The city had a seemingly endless amount of neon towers, stretching up to the sky. Zork came across something that looked like a railway.
A neon sign said: “TAKE THE TRAIN?”
With two buttons beneath:
“YES” and “NO”.
Zork pressed “YES” and a carriage came zooming up the
track. “Well HI!” came a voice from inside the carriage.
“Step in and i will be ur driver tonight”
Zork looked inside and saw a small purple man in the driver’s seat.
“helo im andrewskeletanicplaysYT but u can call me andy”
The small purple man said.
“Well…ok, Andy. can you take me to the city?”
Zork asked.
“sure just hop in dude”

Andy replied. Zork began to step into the carriage-
“hey bro u gotta hop in the carriage”
Andy said. “Er…” Zork hopped into the carriage.
“off we go” Andy said. the carriage shot off at an
incredible speed. “once were in the city we can go to my resteruant its called ‘andys’”

to be continued…


The sights of the city were zooming past. Before Zork knew it he was at “andys”.
“kk this is were i have 2 kill u now.”
“WHAT?!” ZOrk exclaimed.
“jk” Andy replied.
“come in the waters fine”
Zork stepped into andy’s restaurant. It was surprisingly neat, with little blue tables and little purple chairs. “take a seat buddy” Andy said.
Zork sat on the purple chair. it was surprisingly comfortable.
“You’ve been awfully kind to me. any way i can Repay you?”
Zork inquired. “hmmmm i could do with a dishwasher cos its kinda hard to do this all on my own” Andy replied. “Well, that seems like something i could do-” Zork began. “OMGOMGOMG HIDE I JUST SAW HE”
Zork was shoved into the kitchen. “just do ur thing ill distract him” Andy said. “Oho, Andrew, hast ye perchance seen that blue boyo around?”
An all too familiar voice asked. “no rupynn mr boss i aint seen nobody no one around here” Andy replied. “Say, who be washing the dishes?” Rupynn asked. “uhhhhhh just a sec” Andy rushed into the kitchen.
“hes askin too many questions you gotta do somethin um um uh
I got it ur gonna disguise urself as my wife just put this on” Zork was handed a poorly made wig. “Er, ok.” Zork came out of the kitchen.

“Who be this?” Rupynn asked. “this is my wife carol”

“Let me check the register, i don’t know if we have a ‘carol’ on the citizen list.” Rupynn took out a small tablet with a screen and began tapping away at it. “ABORT ABORT HES GONNA FIND US OUT” Andy screamed. He ripped up a floorboard and took out a zamor launcher.
He screamed.

“Er…Andrew… are you quite alright? it appears you need to take your sanity pills again. And i will have to arrest you for having an unlicensed zamor launcher.” Rupynn said. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I CANT GO BACK TO JAIL” Andy exclaimed, as he began rapidly firing
the zamor launcher at random things. One zamor knocked off Zork’s wig.
Gasp! it be the blue boyo! i see you never reformed from your old ways Andrew!” Rupynn cried. “NO ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIEK PLS I SAID ID NEVER DO SUCH A THING AGAIN-”
Andy got knocked out by a punch from Rupynn.
“Come with me, blue boyo. you are much better off with me than him.
Trust me, you don’t want to know what he had in store for you.”
Zork really didn’t have any other choice. So he went with Rupynn.
“I Shall take you to the Games Master, perhaps he can help you.”
Rupynn led him to an enormous skyscraper. They went inside. “We shall take the seavator.” Rupynn tapped his tablet, and a lift appeared.
“Useful things, these. You could probably do with one.”
And so they went up the seavator, up to the top of the building.
Rupynn led Zork through a maze of corridors, twisting and turning.
They came across a golden door, with the words “Games Master”
Written on it. Rupynn knocked thrice on the door.
“Enter.” Said a voice. Inside the room was a large swivel chair,
sitting on it was a Jester-looking person. "Well, well, well what have we here? Can it be? Do mine eyes deceive me?! Oh, i could sing!

Without players, there is no game, without advertising there is no fame!
Without his fangs a shark can’t bite, Without his sword a king can’t knight! Without a controller you can’t control, Without an alt account
you can’t troll!

“I have been needing a new player! won’t you play my game?”
Does Zork play the game?

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Andy going crazy was a fun mental picture.

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This has a very creepy undertone to it.

Yes play the game, what choice does he really have.

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Heyzorks is an alt confirmed someone call the admins to check


“To play the game, please transmit 5 coins.”
Lestyr said. “Coins? Money? But i don’t have any money.”
Zork replied. “No money?!” Rupynn exclaimed. Rupynn and Lestyr
began to laugh.
Lestyr said. “Er…As you wish, M’lord.” Rupynn drew his sword…

To be continued…

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I am even more convinced that Lestyr is a psychopath

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correct! 10 points to @rukah!

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If he started laughing like that for so long in front of me I would be terrified. Poor Zork, seriously what are we doing to this poor guy.

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oh no,


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“Er…Lestyr M’lord, i don’t want to get blood on your carpet, so i’ll stab him outside the room.” Rupynn said. “Oh, ok!” Lestyr replied.
Rupynn led Zork out of the room. “Listen Zork,” he said. " I don’t want to kill you, blue boyo. I sought you out because i need your help. Follow me, and i shall show you where to get coins." Zork followed Rupynn through the maze of corridors and down the seavator. “But if we go back in there, Lestyr will just get angry again-” Zork began. “Oho, we never told Lestyr thy name boyo. So all we have to do is get you a disguise, And Lestyr will be none the wiser!” Rupynn interrupted. “But…Is he really that stupid?!” Zork asked. “Yes.” Rupynn replied. “Now make haste, we have much to do.” Rupynn said as he led Zork down a staircase. “This leads to…A more shady part of the city. i must ask you to let me do the talking. “And Zork,” Rupynn said while they went down the stairs.” I must ask you not to wander away. There will be shady goings-on all around us. You must stick with me." Zork nodded. “Good. Well, here we are.”
It was a run-down looking establishment, with a broken neon sign that read:" Skeletanic’s". "If there’s something you want to buy, you can buy it here. If there’s something you want to sell, you can find somebody who wants to buy it here. Zork, i will say this one final time. Stick close to me. The sort of people who frequent this establishment are savage.
They bring their own carrion and rotting flesh here to be torn apart by performers. You can go back now if you want."Rupynn said.“I’ll stick with you, like you said.” Zork said. “You’re brave, boyo. Now. Let us enter.”
They entered “Skeletanic’s

to be continued…


I’m liking Rupynn more and more


They entered Skeletanic’s. it was filthy.
“Here’s where we shall get you a disguise. Now, you must stay put. Lean against a wall. Try to look edgy.” Rupynn walked away to talk with someone Zork didn’t know. There were all sorts of strange conversations being had in there. “Guys guys guys omg omg there’s another planet that makes robots to fight evil robots in our universe we just have to find it!” A voice said. “Shut up, Leonard! Nobody cares!” A second voice said. There was a fight being had about something, but Zork had no idea what. Zork heard a piercing scream. His head whipped round to see what had screamed. Someone was being mashed into pulp by a very tall man with a mace. “I oughta learn ya to respect yer elders!” He said.
“Here, this ‘un. Couldn’t we use him for t’night’s show?"The mace wielding man said. “Yeah, he’ll do. we just gotta boil 'im first. That’ll soften up his bones, make for a more entertaining show.” Zork felt sick. “Boyo, are you alright?” Rupynn said as he returned with a shopping bag.
“No. I just want to leave this place…” Zork said as someone was forcibly dismantled a few feet away from him. “Well, i think that ‘tis a good idea. now let us tot tarry-"Rupynn said as he knocked over a bottle of something that said: “Combobulus oil” on the label. “Did you just spill ma drink?” A very small skakdi piped up. “Erm…Sorry, little one-” Rupynn began. “OHO LADDIE YER GOIN TE KARZANHI FER THAT” The small skakdi roared. "Jack! Oi! Get yersel’ ower here we got some daft gowks ower ‘ere who micht be lookin’ fer a fecht!” The small skakdi said to a giant skakdi. “I’m hungry…I fancy a wee snack, eh mac?” The giant skakdi growled. “S’Bashing time.” The small skakdi said.
Suddenly, a third voice said something to the small skakdi and the big skakdi. "Listen here, the noo. Mac, Jack, Ah’m sure they didna mean to spill yer drink, so let’s a’ be pals, eh?” It was the tall mace-wielding man!
“Dinna hurt ‘em they were jus’ ‘ere for some shoppin’.” The tall man said.
He turned to Zork and Rupynn. “It’s a’right, i grew up on Zakaz, their lingo is my lingo too.” He said as he led them out of “Skeletanic’s”.
“I dinna think stayin 'ere’s such a good idea fer you two. Then again, i dinna much liek it 'ere neither.” The tall man said. “Er…Would you by any chance wish to accompany us?” Rupynn asked. “Laddie, ah wis thinkin’ 'bout leavin this place fer years. Problem was, nae one ‘ere wis a good man at heart, and trust me, i wid ken. I’ll come wi’ you, micht be fun tae see the world again. oh and by the way, I’m Aither.” The tall man said.
“I be Rupynn.” “And i’m Zork!”
Aither joined the party!


Skeletanic’s sounds like a fun place.
I’ll be interested to see what role Aither plays.

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think of him as the “susie” of the team. in terms of the role he plays, not his personality.

“Hang on, how do i know my name is Zork?” Zork asked.
“Boyo, now is not the time for such mysteries. you should put on this disguise now, before it goes out of date.” Rupynn said.
“How can a disguise go out of date?” Zork asked.
“Boyo, now is not the time for such mysteries. you should put on this disguise now, before it goes out of date.” Rupynn said.
" :grimacing:" Zork said. He took the disguise out of the bag.
It consisted of an orange pakari, a top hat, a cape, and a cane.
“Hey! i should wear this all the time! This looks great! How did you know this stuff would look so good on me?” Zorked asked.
“Boyo, now is not the time for such mysteries. you should put on this disguise now, before it goes out of date.” Rupynn said.
Zork put on the disguise. “Ye look michty fine, laddie. said Aither.
“Now, we must make haste! I Also have the coins we need to play Lestyr’s game. let us go!” They set off for Lestyr’s building.
But the alleys are treacherous and twisting, and one way or another, they became separated. “Blue boyo! where are thee?” Rupynn cried.
“Ach, we’ve lost 'im.” Aither said. Meanwhile Zork was running around without any sense of where he was going. And just as he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he heard an all too familiar rustling. “SYNTAX ERROR” “SYNTAX ERROR” Said two robotic voices. “EXPECTED SU_TOA< GOT UNKNOWN>” PROCEEDING WITH RE_WRITING”.
The hose-like creatures closed in on him…“Get in here!” A new voice said. Zork was pulled into a room by someone or something. “Goshdangit, you really gotta be more careful nowadays!”
A small man said. he was orange and white, and wore a mask with a visor. “Who are you?” Zork asked.“Name’s Robyx.”
Robyx led zork down a set of stairs into a damp laboratory.
“Here’s where i’m making my stuff. i got something that could topple
that clown who calls himself Games Master.” Zork looked interested.
“I’ve seen you going into skeletanic’s. You’d only go in there for coins or to watch someone get ripped apart. you don’t seem like the type who’d watch someone get ripped apart. If you’re going to Lestyr, I want to help you take him down.” Robyx said. “But i didn’t say-” Zork began.
“I can see it in your eyes. you wanna fight him, take him down, break him into a million pieces and put him back together again, don’t you?”
Zork wasn’t sure what to make of Robyx. “I could take him down with what i’ve got… If it was finished. Say, would you like to help me?” Robyx asked. “Er-” “Great! i knew you could help me!” Robyx exclaimed.
And so Zork began a side quest.

to be continued…

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“Alright, you’re gonna have to get me what’s at the end of this map.” Robyx said. He held out a map. Zork took it. “Follow it, and tell the thing you meet i sent ya. and be quick about it, i don’t got much time.” Robyx said as he led Zork up the stairs and shoved Zork out of the door. The hose creatures had disappeared. “What have i got myself into now…” Zork mumbled as he followed the map.


“Drat and figs! We shall never find that blue boyo!”
Rupynn shouted. “Ach laddie, dinna fash yersel’.
Ah ken whit tae dae. We’ll jist scream as loud as physically possible
and wait for 'im to come to us.” Aither said. “My friend, i don’t think that’s a good idea-” Rupynn suddenly heard a voice. “Surely not?” He said.
Rupynn ran off towards the voice. “Laddie! Wait for me, ye wee scunner!”
“You!” Rupynn pointed towards someone Aither didn’t know.
“It be the foul old man!” Rupynn said. Menduce was making some sort of deal with someone very small in a long cape.“Karzanhi. If there’s one thing i don’t need it’s you interfering.” Menduce said. “Get outta here boss, I’ll deal with 'em.” The cloaked man vanished into thin air.
“Who was that?” Rupynn asked. “Mind ya own beeswax, bub. Now, i gotta thrash you.” Menduce replied. “Ach, it’s twa against ane, ye’ll lose quicker than me auld gran lost her wooden leg on bonfire night!”
Aither said. "Heh, these mods ain’t useless. Menduce Began to contort his body. A horrifying sight stood before them. Menduce had become some form of spider-creature.“Game over, boys.” Menduce said in a voice more beast than man. The battle was on!

Spider Menduce used knife legs!
Aither took 1.2 damage!
“What?! That oughta killed ya!” Menduce exclaimed.
Aither used smash.
Spider Menduce took 5,000 damage!
“Good gravy! What on earth was that attack?!”
Rupynn asked.
"Ach, s’nothin’. I learned it on Zakaz. Ye gotta jist mash wi’ all yer might.
S’no easy. i wis tryin it when i wis jist a wee laddie, the mace wis too heavy, an’ i got m’sel ’ hurt. Ye’ve jist gotta try to get stronger an better to pull somethin’ like that off. " Aither replied.

Zork had reached his destination. It was a small box.
It had a screen on it. The screen flickered on.
“Robyx sent me.” Zork said.
ACCESS GRANTED” The screen read.
The box opened. Inside was a green skull,
With neon green glass over the eye-sockets.
Zork picked up the item, and began to carry it back to Robyx.
He would have a few questions for Him when he got back.

To be continued…

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