The origin of zork

“The four main members were:
Dhampyr, the flying king,
Lestyr, the games master,
Croulus, the paladin,
and Linkworm, the tactician.
as time passed, each one of them
changed, for better or worse.
Some changed into terrible
beasts, and others changed into
enormous guardians.
It was rumored that some
of them had left to
conquer lands, or
live isolated from everyone


ooh I like this mysterious feel they all have


A voice interrupted.
“WRONG, my good man.
all all all wrong.”

Menduce and Zork’s heads whipped
round to see who was talking.
A strange man was standing there.
“Who the karzanhi are you?!”
Menduce asked.
Oho, i am Rupyyn,
the most excellent master
o’ power beyond mortal reckoning, so much
so that i bedazzle all who look upon me,
as i am such an extremely powerful being.
you hath been telling the story wrong,
old blue man who’s name i don’t know and
would not care to know for it probably has but 0 syllables,
due to how ignorant people like you are.”

“What?” Zork asked.
Oho You are such an ignoramus to the point
where you understand not english?
well, Protozoan, i shall best ye in
a battle of such incredible might that you have no choice but
to disintegrate into a pile of radishes.

“Hang on, you can’t just interrupt a story with a battle!”
Zork said.

Oho, well just watch me do exactly that!”
NOTE: please listen to any boss music while reading

Rupyyn sliced out with his sword!
Zork took 5 damage!
Menduce threw a knife at Rupynn!
Rupyyn took 0 damage, because he
was in creative mode!
oho, now that i have a most unfair advantage,
ye shall fall!”
Menduce pointed out that cheats
weren’t allowed in this world!
Rupynn took 10 damage from the knife!
"Ohow. most excruciating."
Rupynn was knocked down!
“Heh, ‘extreme powers.’
As if!”
Menduce mocked.
Oho, you miserable punctuation
Rupynn threw his sword!
It hit Menduce!
50 damage!
“oh *5$£2@!”
Menduce cursed.
Oho, thou art now banned
for swearing on the server!”
Menduce had to leave the battle!
Oho, boy, i am a blessing in disguise.
i am here to rescue you from the clutches of the foul old man,
for he plans to stab you!”
“Don’t believe him boyo!
He’s nothing but a troll!
And a liar!”

what happens.
Does Zork stick with Menduce,
or trust Rupynn?


Zork should stick with Menduce
Rupynn is a weirdo.


“Just to point out, the magick option is useless, as neither of you
have magick powers. unlike me, the most excellent
mastere of powers beyond mortal reckoning, so much so that
my face makes all who look upon turn to jelllie!
Extremely jiggly jellie, so much so that i inject fear
upon ALL who dare to gaze upon my glorious physique!”

“Shut up, you weirdo! i’m gonna stick with Menduce-”
Zork began.

STOP! only 1 person has suggested a decision option!
You must wait for more to vote, you Octagonal Scintillation!”

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zorky zorky zork zork zork


please vote on who zork should stick with

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He should stuck with Menduce, Rupyyn seems shady. If Dark souls 2 has taught me anything it’s to never trust a jester as they are helpful one moment then invade you and start throwing fire spells at you the next.


Lestyr is the jestyr
ok, the decision has been made.

“I don’t trust you!”
Zork said.
O- what whait.
Le Gasp you would refuse my
great offer you liquidation times often
Well don’t blame me when you are
quite dead at the bottom
of the stairs!”

Rupynn dissipated with a swish of
his cape!

“Did he always have that cape?”
Zork asked.
“I don’t care, i’m just glad
he’s gone.”
Menduce replied.
"I don’t think that’s the last we’ve seen o’ him.
We should probably have our wits about us-
Menduce winced, as he was wounded from Rupynn’s
sword throw.
He Fell down.
“But menduce! You had 150 HP!
You can’t be dying!”
Zork exclaimed.
“Kiddo, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from
All the battles i’ve been in-cough cough
Come closer, i can’t speak much louder…”
“What is it menduce? Tell me!”
Zork asked.
Menduce smiled.
Never trust someone who gets banned from servers.”
Zork felt Menduce’s knife penetrate his body.
“HA! i just love what i do best!”
Menduce got up.
Zork fell down.
You’re even more stupid than
i thought you were!
You’re just too willing to trust in
someone who seems like a protector,
or a hero. i would know, because those
silver morons took me under their wing…
an into their dungeon.
i was…forcibly modified by
their games master for his own
“seemingly endless hours of screaming,
accompanied by seemingly endless
hours of laughing. when he tired of me and left me
in this dump, i vowed i would end anyone created by those tyrants!
The Man On The Phone helped me with that.
He helped me rid myself of any forgiveness towards
those madmen. as is polite, i gotta write down ya last words/request.”
“Who was the person you forgot i wasn’t?”
Zork asked.
"HA! you’re still askin’ bout’ that?
might as well tell ya, cos’ the secret dies with you.
His name was Astrada.
He wore a yellow hau,
and wore black armour.
Only one i ever felt sympathy for.
He was quite like you.
And yet somewhat charming.
And yet he ran away afore’ i could
kill ‘im.
i don’t know what happened to him.
Who knows, maybe he’s still out there,
lost…and confused…and slowly going more
insane every day.
now suppose i’d better kill ya for good now-
HEY! where’d ya go?
Dang, i was monolougin’.
Zork had heard everything he
wanted to hear.
He was limping through the alleys,
no idea where he was going.
A city could be seen in the horizon,
towers stretching into the sky…

To be continued…


What! I didn’t think Menduce would betray him!
At least Zork got away.

haha plot twist go brrrrrr

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D: NOOOOO Our decision got Zork shanked…

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The city was outlined against a rising sun.
“Quite B-beautifu-l…”
Zork managed to say.
His mind was a mess of thoughts.

You will not survive. the gates of karzanhi are open.
It’S sOmEoNe ElSe’S bIrThDaY cAkE!
Green eggs! Green eggs! Green eggs and ham!
I Ljook liek a flipin mustard sead
u’ve bean a knotty boy! u’re gettin coal!

Zork screamed.

Everything faded to black.


Nooooo, no death for Mr Zork…


remember the first line?

that will have something to do with it

“No. You are alive.
I command you.

Zork woke up.
Who had he been talking to?..
No one, apparently.
Who was that voice?
He decided that he would go towards the strange city,
maybe it’s inhabitants could fix the wound-
speaking of which, somehow he had been healed.
The slash had disappeared entirely. Zork didn’t have time to
wonder how. He was too curious too see the city,
for some reason.He set off towards the city,
unaware that the Games Master
had been longing for a new player…

“For Without Players, Where’s the game?!”

to be continued…

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this sounds interesting

The city had a seemingly endless amount of neon towers, stretching up to the sky. Zork came across something that looked like a railway.
A neon sign said: “TAKE THE TRAIN?”
With two buttons beneath:
“YES” and “NO”.
Zork pressed “YES” and a carriage came zooming up the
track. “Well HI!” came a voice from inside the carriage.
“Step in and i will be ur driver tonight”
Zork looked inside and saw a small purple man in the driver’s seat.
“helo im andrewskeletanicplaysYT but u can call me andy”
The small purple man said.
“Well…ok, Andy. can you take me to the city?”
Zork asked.
“sure just hop in dude”

Andy replied. Zork began to step into the carriage-
“hey bro u gotta hop in the carriage”
Andy said. “Er…” Zork hopped into the carriage.
“off we go” Andy said. the carriage shot off at an
incredible speed. “once were in the city we can go to my resteruant its called ‘andys’”

to be continued…


The sights of the city were zooming past. Before Zork knew it he was at “andys”.
“kk this is were i have 2 kill u now.”
“WHAT?!” ZOrk exclaimed.
“jk” Andy replied.
“come in the waters fine”
Zork stepped into andy’s restaurant. It was surprisingly neat, with little blue tables and little purple chairs. “take a seat buddy” Andy said.
Zork sat on the purple chair. it was surprisingly comfortable.
“You’ve been awfully kind to me. any way i can Repay you?”
Zork inquired. “hmmmm i could do with a dishwasher cos its kinda hard to do this all on my own” Andy replied. “Well, that seems like something i could do-” Zork began. “OMGOMGOMG HIDE I JUST SAW HE”
Zork was shoved into the kitchen. “just do ur thing ill distract him” Andy said. “Oho, Andrew, hast ye perchance seen that blue boyo around?”
An all too familiar voice asked. “no rupynn mr boss i aint seen nobody no one around here” Andy replied. “Say, who be washing the dishes?” Rupynn asked. “uhhhhhh just a sec” Andy rushed into the kitchen.
“hes askin too many questions you gotta do somethin um um uh
I got it ur gonna disguise urself as my wife just put this on” Zork was handed a poorly made wig. “Er, ok.” Zork came out of the kitchen.

“Who be this?” Rupynn asked. “this is my wife carol”

“Let me check the register, i don’t know if we have a ‘carol’ on the citizen list.” Rupynn took out a small tablet with a screen and began tapping away at it. “ABORT ABORT HES GONNA FIND US OUT” Andy screamed. He ripped up a floorboard and took out a zamor launcher.
He screamed.

“Er…Andrew… are you quite alright? it appears you need to take your sanity pills again. And i will have to arrest you for having an unlicensed zamor launcher.” Rupynn said. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I CANT GO BACK TO JAIL” Andy exclaimed, as he began rapidly firing
the zamor launcher at random things. One zamor knocked off Zork’s wig.
Gasp! it be the blue boyo! i see you never reformed from your old ways Andrew!” Rupynn cried. “NO ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIEK PLS I SAID ID NEVER DO SUCH A THING AGAIN-”
Andy got knocked out by a punch from Rupynn.
“Come with me, blue boyo. you are much better off with me than him.
Trust me, you don’t want to know what he had in store for you.”
Zork really didn’t have any other choice. So he went with Rupynn.
“I Shall take you to the Games Master, perhaps he can help you.”
Rupynn led him to an enormous skyscraper. They went inside. “We shall take the seavator.” Rupynn tapped his tablet, and a lift appeared.
“Useful things, these. You could probably do with one.”
And so they went up the seavator, up to the top of the building.
Rupynn led Zork through a maze of corridors, twisting and turning.
They came across a golden door, with the words “Games Master”
Written on it. Rupynn knocked thrice on the door.
“Enter.” Said a voice. Inside the room was a large swivel chair,
sitting on it was a Jester-looking person. "Well, well, well what have we here? Can it be? Do mine eyes deceive me?! Oh, i could sing!

Without players, there is no game, without advertising there is no fame!
Without his fangs a shark can’t bite, Without his sword a king can’t knight! Without a controller you can’t control, Without an alt account
you can’t troll!

“I have been needing a new player! won’t you play my game?”
Does Zork play the game?

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Andy going crazy was a fun mental picture.

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