The Packaging/Promotional Art/Instruction Booklet/Book Mistakes Topic

It’s not like it matters that much, but given how many mistakes were made with G2— especially its marketing— this one is just another piece of evidence to go onto the pile that they really weren’t putting enough attention to detail into anything.

cough DUD cough

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It’s a shame really. I believe that it wasn’t because anybody wanted BIONICLE to fail. The G2 marketing team likely just had a very small budget to work with. The small budget meant that lots of corners had to be cut. As a result, the team probably had to make a lot of compromises (such as not fixing these small packaging inconsistencies).


I really think Lego was just expecting the line to sell on it’s name alone. Their marketing and release schedule was awful, although I think the actual sets and shows were fantastic.

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His armor is phasing through his arm.


That’s just Telluris’ unique ability of density manipulation :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If you missed the original topic check it out here: Bionicle G2 Fan Expo Promotional Bag - Anyone see this before? - #4 by Xavious061

Without further adue here are the print errors found in the Bionicle G2 Fan-Expo/Comicon bag:

As seen below,

  • Kulta’s hand is dublicated
  • Tahu’s foot is ghosting
  • The runes on the mask of creation are off centre.

As far as I’m concerned it’s authentic because its officially liscenced by Fan Expo HQ and was sold at Toronto Comicon 2016 by the owners of the venue for 5 Canadian Dollars.


the Kulta wrist joints look like a pair of eyes looking upward and to the right a little


Thanks. I will never unsee that now.

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Not even the wrist balls are taking this seriously.

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on the cover of 7692 MX-71 recon dropship from mars mission the rover seems to be hiding a prototype behind it

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Can you specify what you mean?

That rover in the back there is only supposed to have one drilling arm, but it looks like it has 2. If you zoom in on it, you can see the second arm is connected to a prototype rover pasted behind the intended model, is what I believe he is trying to say


oooh, ok, that is pretty weird.

Here’s one I’m kind of surprised I have never seen before, from an old Oohnorak image:




I don’t see the mistake…


The Oohnorak were the only Visorak to use the short thigh piece, but the animation uses the long one.


Ah, I see. Neat!

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Funnily enough, my copy of the instructions also tell you to use the longer bone, despite only short ones being supplied.


So, I own two copies of the first Bionicle Graphic Novel

One of them is an original from 2008, the other is a reprint from 2010.

Now, what’s interesting is, the reprint has a printing error: the cover for The Bohrok Saga Chapter #3 (AKA Bionicle Issue #6) was duplicated midway through TBS #2 (AKA Bionicle Issue #5), replacing one of the pages

What’s bizarre is, this issue does not affect the original

Any thoughts? Anyone else have a misprinted Graphic Novel? This is the only misprint I’ve seen in the Graphic novels I own.


Apologies for replying to an almost 5 years old (!) post, but recently I’ve found a concept art for Lava Beast’s box:


So it looks like the 2016 Tahu was originally going to appear in the background, but for some unholy reason whoever did the final design changed him to the 2015 version. Just… why…