I think this would be a good place to talk about mistakes in bionicle packaging images. For example, I just noticed that on Lewa’s box art, the skull spider climbing on the pillar still has the old savage planet claws, instead of the new spider legs.
I’ve found several over the years. Here’s one:
Look at Gresh’s left arm:
If you look at some concept art of the displays with the boxes, some of the Skull Spiders were going to use either those or the ne style of legs, but they changed to all having the new style. They also changed the Spiders from Pohatu and the Protector of Stone to have a Scorpion themed tail.
What did you see?
The upper arm ball receptacle is clipping the Inika torso.
Just look at this work of art.
I don’t think these are really mistakes per se. Most images on set packaging are either CG models, photoshoped or photoshoped CG models.
If you start to examine box art in detail, you’ll find sets bending in ways they normally don’t. Look at Gresh picture again. His chest is slightly bent. It’s not a flaw; it’s so the image looks more dynamic. If you want better examples, look at some of the 01 art.
As for the skull spider, yes, that is a flaw. The background art must have been before the change was made. Sometimes changes in sets are very late in the game and other areas don’t get the memo in time.
We only wish they could twist like that.
I would have to say the Matoran of Voya Nui. I don’t know if this qualifies, but it feels like a let down when the box art shows them with eyes they obviously lack.
They didn’t have eyes?
They do not.
Proof’s in the Brickset inventories:
P.S Tell me if these links work for you because I’m noob to creating external links on these boards.
They gave pridak red eyes on the barakii canister
I remember having the Toa Mata, and getting so excited when they announced the Toa Nuva because I thought from the commercials and box art their new legs were going to be bendable. I was disappointed.
I always thought Radiak had a big fin on his head.
That right arm must be painful…
1. His axe blade is on sideways
2. His armor is on the wrong side
3. Missing wing attaching piece
4. Wrong legs on Skull Spider
5. Nor for children under 3 years
Lehvak Kal cannot be posed the way his canister art shows.