The powerful entities of the Matoran universe (Karzahni, Ten Krom, Toa Ahkmou)

Happy Halloween ! Here is my interpretation of three powerful and dreadfull characters from the matoran universe.

Karzahni, the devilish Tyrant

Some poses

Fight for the mask of creation

The two brothers

The mad ruler

The end of a tyrant

Plus a turnaround

Tren Krom, the fallen god

Some poses

Encounter with the federation of fear

It was at this moment Carapar knew… He messed up

Encounter with Lewa

Slaughter of a god

Plus a turnaround
Tren Krom

Toa Ahkmou, Toa of shadow

Here is my interpretation of what could have been Ahkmou if he became a Toa of shadow.
Some poses

Plus a turnaround
Toa Ahkmou files and breakdown photos

Karzahni - Google Drive
Tren Krom - Google Drive
Toa Ahkmou - Google Drive

Links for custom parts

Kanohi Olisi, Great Mask of Alternate Futures by KhingK - Thingiverse
Bionicle Karzahni's Shoulder Armor by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Karzahni's hips armor by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Karzahni's Flamin' Chains by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Tren Krom Prototype Head by Rothanak - Thingiverse
Lego Knights' Kingdom Shadow Knight's Sword by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Mahi's Nose (MNOG) by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle DJ Cyber Mask/Headphones (Bomb Rush Cyberfunk) by Scmdex - Thingiverse
The City of Legends [MASK PACK #3] by Galva - Thingiverse
Bionicle Pridak's Shark Tooth Blade Prototype by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Demon Warrior Sword by Scmdex - Thingiverse

My pack: Scmdex Pack - Google Drive

I hope you will appreciate these models. Every constructive suggestions to enhance the models are welcome.


Your Tren Krom moc is legendary.


The Karzahni and Ahkmou are alright, but that Tren Krom is wild. First actually scary one I’ve seen in a long while. Too bad it’s almost entirely clipping.


That Tren Krom looks amazing, but I think better renders would help to really appreciate the build. Just for curiosity, does it have a third eye?

I really like Karzahni, he looks like something that could have been realse as a set (with exception of the mask)

As for Ahkmou, kinda hard to tell that is him. Maybe change the red for brown or tan.


I’ll correct the file.
Thank you for your feedback


these all look fantastic!
tho karzahni’s thighs could be a little beefier


Thank you.
I wanted to keep the model close to the original artwork, which has frail tighs.


Ah very nice spooky mocs! Karzahni is pretty good and Tren Krom is outright terrifying. Ahkmou is neat as well, awesome job.


The original model did’nt have one (I forgot to add it), but I corrected that by modyfying it a bit. His third eye is on the top of his head

“It was at this moment Carapar knew…
He messed up !”

Concerning Ahkmou, in second thought, yes, you are right. If we refer as the Kardatoran, Ahkmou should have kept his brown color after transforming. I originally wanted to make a Makuta color scheme. Here it is:

I’ll update everything as soon as possible. Thank you for your feedback


Very nice. I like the black brown combo


Galva’s Great Rau works surprisingly well on Toa Ahkmou - I didn’t expect the mask to look that menacing.

Awesome Tren Krom model - it’s nice to see someone actually try and build him.

Also, is that a Great Being in the fight for the mask of creation picture? Will you showcase them too?


Thank you.
Yes, it is a great being.
I’m still working on some of them, but sooner or later, a topic will be dedicated to them.
Stay tuned.


Very nice design. It literally brings him from the artwork and into reality. But i always think of the shoulder pads in the bionicle guide are closer to Ehlek heads because of how spiky those heads are.

But why exactly is Karzahni black/gold when he is fighting for the mask of creation ?


The choice of the piece for these shoulder armor was always complicated. No official piece actually fit completely the role, and even accurate custom parts are rare. I’ll try to see how it would look with ehlek’s head.

Concerning his color, apparently, in Dark Destiny, his armor was black and gold when he encounterd Jaller and co, but changed after.

(No, it’s not a lack of communication between each team at lego)


Still he’s just very odd in gold and black.
If he had a version before the dark/blue green…i would have imagined him as the rust color from LDD designer program.

As for Tren Krom it’s really good.


I updated Karzahni’s legs and gave him proper shoulder armor


I love how Karzhani looks both book-accurate and like an official set! Ever thought of doing something like that for Arthaka?


The art is very faithful to the original model, so it would be hard to do better I think. The only part that differs a bit is the hammer.

Considering how expensive the pieces for the hammer are on bricklink, I think doing a custom part could be interesting.


As impressive as the canonized Arthaka model is, it’s too complex-looking and uses too many pieces to be a set. That’s what I was talking about. Did you enter the Arthaka contest yourself?


I see what you mean. I’ll try to give my interpretation of the character in a more set style.
No. I didn’t submit a moc.