The Price of Failure: Tales of Glory and Valour

Hey all, I just wanted to write a Quick Short Story for my RP The Seafarers, as part of the Larger Tales of Glory and Valour.

Jurgen stared at his hands, trying not to flinch at the waves of heat buffeting him. These waves were emanating from the figure staring him down. He focused intensity on the sound of pacing footsteps. Trying to locate his interrogator as he walked circles around him.

“I’ll keep this brief, Jurgen.” The figure spoke. “You failed”

Jurgen risked a glance up at his interrogator. Thalur, the Head of the Sun Temple, was average height. What made him so intimidating was his eyes. They were jet black, no pupil, no Iris, just pure black, only broken up by glowing “Cracks” of light. They complimented his wings, visible even in his human form, which appeared as if made of Glowing Coals.

Thalur continued “The worst part of your failure? It was entirely your fault. You chose to betray us, Jurgen.”

Jurgen flicked his gaze back to his hands. It was not easy even looking at him.

Thalur stopped behind him. “You made the choice to try and alert the target of the assassination did you not?”

A grimace. “Yes, I did.” Thalur attempted to continue, but with a burst of courage Jurgen interrupted. “He will be monarch, he will reward me for this service, your frail organization won’t be able to hold him back. Freak” he spat this last word. A futile gesture, as it evaporated midway to The Sunblessed.

Thalur continued on as if he was not interrupted. “Due to your startling performance issues, I’m sure you can understand why we’re dropping you as an agent.” There was a clatter as a heavy bag was dropped on the floor.

Thalur leaned in close to whisper “I don’t need to tell you that you must tell no one of your time here, you may leave”

Jurgen couldn’t believe this. Not only was he being let go, but they were giving him his weapons, and only holding him to a promise of secrecy? They really were fools who put too much stock in Religious oaths. Never mind, my master will welcome me with open arms he thought with a smirk.

He grabbed his bag on his way out the door, walking straight out past the guards. He didn’t care about the glares he received, they had shown their hand. They were powerless. He kept his good mood all the way to his boat, where he remembered he still had to navigate the ridiculous obstacle course to get out.

Back inside Thalur stood watching the exit, flanked by two Sunblessed. With Hethila standing a few places behind. Listening to him brief the two warriors.

“Your test will begin when he reaches the mainland, the victor will advance in rank, the loser will fall back into their cadre. The Winner must bring his head as proof. Happy hunting.”

Hethila remains silent as the two warriors launch into action. They were clearly excited, finally a challenge suited to their skills. She had no doubt they’d succeed. When they left she clears her throat. “So sir, what now?”

Thalur waits a minute before answering. “We will try again, this time with a candidate who understands the price.”

C&C appreciated, if this got you interested in TOGAV you’re always welcome to join :blush:


please Winter learn to punctuate

if you end a sentence with a continued stream of text, it will seem like one long chain of a sentence with grammatical errors theoretically easy to spot. I had to reread this chunk of text I quoted several times before I figured out what was supposed to be going on:

oh and uh

I know I technically do this too, but it’s a bit cheesy to put the name of the story right at the very end. It’s a bit cheesier to capitalize it like the title, though.

I find the idea to be a Funny™️, but I try to keep the mention of it to only part of it or, inversely, not technically mentioning it at all. Take, for example, Nothing But Rust, where I break the name in half and turn it into a sentence.

And for the latter, see what I did in Weak:


That part was actually autocorrect, didn’t catch it during a read through.

Yeah, idk what it is. Something about Grammar rules makes my head spin. I’ve tried many times to wrap my head around it but I just end up lost. I’m trying my best though.