The Real Reason Kahi Was Fired (megaofficial)

Seeing this from Squeaver I figured this would be a joke. Now my curiosity has been quenched. I wonder what will happen now that the community knows what happened?

inb4 the topic gets deleted and/or someone gets banned.


Administration has officially approved the existence of this topic.


Dang. I had a hunch that something like this was what all the firings and stuff were about but dang. Reading the doc just made me feel sick.


Squeaver said on Discord that he loves you Var, but he wonā€™t sexually harass you


It really be like this sometimes


This is shocking and horrifying, and Iā€™m honestly shook. I do know, however, that I am absolutely disgusted and bewildered by it. My deepest condolences to the victims of these disgusting actions.


i mean like
to be honest
i never was the biggest fan of kahi beforehand
but this


Well to be fair, I was shocked when I read the document.


This really does make me sick. I kind figured it was something like this, but dang.


I can respect the transparency about the reasons behind Kahiā€™s kick. Itā€™s a touchy subject but at least by putting the reasons in public we can eliminate baseless speculation.



I never was a fan of Kahi, but I had respect for him since he seemed to be serious about his passion. This is really something else.


Alright. So I just did a quick read through of all the major points andā€¦ wow. I usually donā€™t pay much attention to the goings on of the cast members, but itā€™s always a shame to hear about stuff like this.


I never was a fan of Kahi, he came across as a jerk. But this, oh man, this is disgusting.


Somehow, I mightā€™ve know itā€™d been something like this. I didnā€™t know all of the specifics, nor did I feel the need to voice any theories. Though I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised that they were more or less correct after reading the dossier. Nothing upsets me more than seeing people get driven away from the things they enjoy like that.


Honestly, while I wasnā€™t expecting it to be nearly this bad, it doesnā€™t really surprise me. The timing of Prplā€™s (short-lived) departure and Kahi getting fired were too close for something like this to not be the case. That said, I was expecting more a few crass comments that got taken too seriously, not creepy and stalkerish behavior like this.


Honestly I thought it was petty infightingā€¦ And I wish it actually was. Itā€™s a shame this is what it had to come down to.

One thing I donā€™t get: when Eljay was temporarily fired, how come the TTV cast was saying Eljay did something wrong to ruin his reputation? Here he seems to be completely innocent. So Iā€™m very confused.


Oh, oh thatā€™s bad. I thought it was because of fights, I had a small suspicion due to prplā€™s timing but wow.


Wow, that is so bad I donā€™t even know what to say. Actually I know what I would say, but itā€™s not appropriate for the message boardsā€¦

All Iā€™ll say is as someone who considered him to be one of my favorite cast members, I hope he never shows up again. My sympathies go out to Purple and Pweffie, that is some seriously disturbing stuff no one should experience.


It sucks to see that this was why Jon was fired. Nobody should act like this and think itā€™s okay because itā€™s not, AT ALL. Iā€™m glad prpl and phweffie came forward to share their experiences and be able to take that weight theyā€™d been holding on their shoulders for who knows how long. Now let me go back to the statement I made in the original topic

I still agree with most of the points I made in the original topic, as the past two months have shown that TTV was able to benefit from this greatly, as they went back to being just a group of friends having fun on a podcast instead of a full-blown business and have even expanded a bit with the addition of deadmatoro and the return of Kini. I also feel the changing of the guard in terms of the moderators (which was unrelated to all of these events) helped usher in this new post-Jon era of TTV. However, one thing I would change is the second sentence of the first paragraph to ā€œHopefully, he gets the help he needs, as I think that would be best for everyone involved in this horrible situationā€ as nobody outside of TTV knew the severity of the issues at the time.

To end off my somewhat rambling post, I leave you all with the tweet(s) I posted regarding this new chapter of TTV:

And so a new chapter of the TTV Channel legacy officially begins. While the last chapter did not begin or end on the greatest terms and will probably never be forgotten, it feels good to know that this new chapter provides a fresh start to those involved in this story and gives the future of the story a new and interesting look with new characters joining the fray and old ones returning. The end of this previous chapter came as a surprise to everyone outside of the story, however, it could not have been completed without the courage of prpldragon and phweffie coming forward. If anybody was to be considered the heroes of this chapter, it would have to be them. And for that, I say thank you for doing what you did. I also feel very honored and privileged to be a part of this new chapter as a part of the new mod squad and hope to be a part of this ever developing story for the foreseeable future.

Onwards and Upwards,


Well, from how they worded Eljayā€™s departure, it always sounded more like continuous toxic arguing. Now that we know that Kahi was manipulative and actively plotting to get rid of Eljay, it seems likely that he tried to instigate things with him continuously in order to paint a negative narrative against Elijay. This would help Kahi to have some type of ā€œevidenceā€ when asking the other members of TTV to fire Eljay.

Thatā€™s just speculation, but I look after the older elementary school kids in an after school program. Iā€™ve seen this type of manipulative narcissism a lot.

Anyway, this is all disgusting. I sure hope Kahi looks at what heā€™s done and realizes that he needs to make some changes when it comes to how he treats and views others. Yeah, speck in their eye, log in our own and all thatā€¦ but I sincerely donā€™t think itā€™s wrong to say that he needs psychological help for his narcissism. His tendencies are almost borderline sociopathic.