The Self-MOC Actual Roleplay Topic - Act I

OOC: Umm Oronix gave birth, that is what happened. Also dude please ask this kind of stuff in the PM.

Nothing beside the fact that Darth and Civip are planning something.

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OOC: What else story-wise?


OOC: koparis ship crashed
kopari walks up to hutere “remember me?”


“Oh, gosh. Sorry bout the… hand thing.”

“the what?” kopari asks with blood beginning to come out of the joints making kopari takes off his helmet.

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“I cut off… You know, forget it.”

kopari continues to walk into the building ejecting himself from the armor, showing the damage the crash caused

“Well I am not really sure what is happening anymore. So I am going to find Buster… Anyone know where Buster?” Darth asked.

Hutere goes back to tending to Kronax’s wounds.

IC: Voku continued his work, building a suit with the power of the Mega-Toa contained in an almost skin-tight suit.

kopari gets back in his armor putting his helmet back on walking away from the village going on a journey to his cloning lab

Sifer stood there looking at 67 for a long while seething with anger. “Why…” he asked. “why did you do it?”


“Hang in there, Kronax.”


kopari walks into his cloning lab going into the medbay K-T2 begins operating on kopari removing limbs and adding robotic limbs throwing away his severed limbs and giving him a suit made from his warpath general armor, with a jet black color scheme and cape, now with a new helmet, his cracked mask thrown away. he passes out from the gas
kopari is practically unrecognizable

“I need to say something” Destrucus thinks to himself.


waking up, kopari walks out of the med-bay activating the kot clones hundreds of rows, each row holding hundreds of clones. he presses a button under the title project imperial .
the clones begin to go into the armory each one outfitted with warpath-t suits and a 533-plasma rifle the line up next to a hangar door opening up it reveals 11 trooper transports
4 clones surround the new kopari outfitted with project Excalibur spears and red decorated armor. " he walks onboard the 11th trooper transport with his honor guards; a pilot begins flying the ship towards the second village. when the ship, the new kopari surrounded by honor guards. they begin to set up a recruitment center
OOC:anybody going to do anything?


OOC: I am going to say Civip doesn’t like the Idea of another army in his mountains.

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Hutere tinkers with a little piece of equipment. “Hey, guys, what’s going on?”

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“Well I just got here so I am unable to answer that question.” Darth said to Hutere.

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kopari walks out of the troop transport “these matoran shall be amazing officers in the new empire, begin constructing an academy here” 5 kot troopers walk out of the transport “yes sir” they begin construction of the academy