The Skull Lancer does not talk much. When he does speak, however, he usually spouts incomprehensible language that only the smaller Skull Spiders seem to understand. Brooding in the shadows, he’d rather strike down his opponents before they get a chance to get a single hit in. Mutated in the years since his initial assimilation by the Lord of Skull Spiders, his body can withstand intense battle before even tiring and be able to swing his Repulsion Staff quickly.
This is not an elegant moc; it was constructed simply to create a custom gearbox that mimics the Rahkshi’s gear function. Replacing the original Kraata gimmick is a mounted Skull Spider, allowing for an opponent to be taken over without compromising his body’s control.
Yes, but isn’t that sorta supposed to be the point of the skull spider masks? To draw attention away from the figure and say, "hey, I’m being controlled’?
Yeah, have to agree with Calvatron. This would look epic as a CCBS Rahkhsi, wondering if that was the inspiration.
I feel you need red or black skull spider masks to make this MOC look amazing - the current masks just don’t fit with the rest of the colour scheme for me…
but ya this moc is frickin epic man. Like others have said, the color scheme could be worked on a bit. If you’re gonna have those Spoopy Green Skull Spiders, you’re gonna have to spread the color out a bit more. If it was just the one mask, I’d be okay with it. But two just seems…off to me. Honestly, I think just switching them out for silver would be fine, considering the amount of silver you already have on the moc.
but then again, you say
so i suppose you weren’t really considering color scheme