The Sorcerer will help the fallen....

As many Bionicles were crushed by the tree falling on the studio, there are many MOCs to bring back from the dead. The Sorcerer is the key to un-ending their lives.


######Changed topic category to fit subject - KAI_BORG

The aesthetic of being undead is abit half-hazard since some area such as the upper waist doesn’t represent a rib cage so well.

The lower legs looks fairly neat, but the back armoring of the Skulls make it glaringly disproportionate- :skull:


Well this moc seems to be pretty good, but it have some problems. First thing first, the legs. They have a very awkward build. I would make just some regular CCBS legs for this moc. Also, the arms seems to be too skinny and too long. Try to make them shorter. And the hands are copies of the Storm Beast claws. You should use just the regular Bionicle hand piece. I would also add some big shoulder pieces on it.