The Stalker Triad

Well, here we gooooooooooooooo!

Introducing, the (unofficial named) Stalker Triad! Long story short, they are a group of Dark Hunters formed by the Shadowed One to find and kill a deserter named “Leech.”

The Skadi, codename “Warlord,” is the brute force of the group. The Skrall warrior on the left is “Trailblazer,” and his job is to track and mainly hunt their target. The heavily mutated Sister of the Skrall on the right is “Oracle,” and she’s in charge of maintaining communications with her abilities.

Anyways, onwards to the images!




These are some fairly simple builds for these MOCs. “Warlord” is kinda derpy, with no neck really, a fat belly, and no coverage on the back of his limbs. Still looks funny posing, though. “Trailblazer” is slightly better, but he has a pretty basic build and is somewhat cluttered. “Oracle” is the best in my opinion, since I actually used a custom build for her. The tail is hard to balance on, but I tried to use pieces to fit the color scheme.

This is also for the Villain MOC Contest.

Hope you enjoyed it, and have a nice day!


The mocs are pretty good, but the photography is great!

My favorite is trailblazer. Most feel a bit tall and they have clashing textures.

obviously Actan’s legs are brutal from the back

the skrall sister is nice, though

This MOC has a great design, but the colours could have been distributed better. And like you said, the back of the limbs could have been covered better.

While this MOC seems a bit cluttered at first glance, I like this one, but there should be more gun metal or none at all, and the biceps could have more armour

I really enjoy the build on this MOC, the only thing that could be better is some more brown in the torso area, but even without it it still looks amazing.

Cool MOCs man! I really like Warlord. Aside from the back of the legs and the gold that clashes with the rest of the color scheme (I’d either exchange it or add more gold elsewhere on the MOC), this MOC is really good.

I like oracle, while trailblazer looks really cluttered

You’ve pretty much already said what my complaints would be. I like these three, they make for a good rag-tag team.