The Thing WIP

This being has no friends and wasn’t known until now


OK then…
Well, it looks ok, nothing amazing. Could use more translucent lime green.

I ran out but I am gonna look for more transparent green and add transfer green bones

Oh dear, a thing.

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I usually imagine this when we talk ‘The Thing’ - Warning, Nightmare fuel.


So he’s just like me! I wish that was /s

The moc itself is pretty odd looking. I don’t like the armor placing on the thighs (It looks like it hinders articulation) and the feet on the arms just look weird to me.

I usually think of this.

Color wise this guy is pretty bland, though it is a WIP so I suppose that could change.

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Ayy, I’m not alone.

Well, this moc… I think I like it, it looks a little strange though

Is it clobbering time?

Not a fan of the black feet they look awkward with so much silver, can’t wait to see how this turns out! :slight_smile:

sorry I feel disappointed for this when I see The Thing I think up John Carpenter’s horror masterpiece and this isn’t it

Not really sure what to think of this guy…He’s kind of just… All over the place; not much flow or cohesion.