As I was working on my next theory, a thought occurred to me: “Why were there 3 legendary masks?”. Now this question is easy to answer, as there are 3 because there are 3 virtues. But here’s the theory: the masks themselves are the virtues. Without each virtue, the MU ceases to function, just like the 3 masks. Along with this, let’s look at each virtue individually.
First up is Unity. Which mask required 6 different elements to come together to create it? The Vahi. Well at least half of it. Even then the Vahi still embodies unit as bringing both together grants full control over time.
Second is Duty. The Mask of Creation fits this one, as it is the duty of Artahka to guard it. Pretty straight forward.
It feels like at least once a year someone comes up with this exact theory
And I don’t disagree with it.
But here are some things to consider:
-we don’t know there couldn’t be more tan 3 legendary masks (in fact there technically could be)
-the Great Beings DID actually plan on making the Vahi to aid GSR, they just (ironically) ran out of time.
-in actuality the Vahi and by extension the Great Disks did not exist for most of MU’s existence, so at the very least the Three Virtue representation is more symbolic than literal within the story itself.
Oh sorry I didn’t see a mention of it online so I figured I’d bring it up.
Both good points. While we don’t know if there is more than 3 legendary masks, if the 3 Virtues were created before the masks and the Vahi was supposed to be created but they ran out of time. This just means the Great Beings intended for them to represent the virtues but screwed up and assumed someone would eventually make the Vahi. Interestingly the symbols for all 3 virtues actually hint at which mask they use:
6 coming together.
One to guard it.
Two to use it. (I’ll be adding this part to the above theory)
Honestly it was the 6 circles on Unity that tipped me off. Then I tried overlaying the Charms and got this:
This basically confirmed for me that the charms weren’t supposed to be the 3 Magnas, but something else. Which lead me back to the masks.
Side note, the could also represent the 3 Magna, but circles don’t seem to match up to the elements of either species.
That’s ok. I didn’t mean to imply it’s unoriginal, just that it’s common
I agree. There is an interesting discussion to be had here. The existence of Vahi has been predicted and prophesized by several factions in the MU tens of thousands of years in advance. Since the GB’s intended for the Vahi to be used in emergencies just like the Ignika, perhaps the knowledge of Vahi and its function has been left buried deep within the subconscious levels of AI of the MU inhabitants.
The symbolism behind the charms is interesting and I don’t think I have seen it before. You are right to conclude that the symbols don’t represent the Magna planets because Duty (central circle) is Bota Magna not Bara Magna.
When I started reading I thought it was going to be that the mask of creation was unity because it’s covered in runes of all the languages of the MU signifying that it units all the species and the the mask of time would be duty because the user has the duty not to abuse the masks power but I think what you’ve got works better