The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna

I like how you’ve fitted in the difference in appearance between Makuta in mnog and the miramax movie, although I like the minimalist approach of mnogs showdown and the clean cut feel to it, I really love the more in depth dialogue you have between the toa and Makuta-and the fact they actually at the end of it they don’t want to fight and that Makuta is using more deceptive strategies like undermining their faith in each other and themselves. Can’t want for the next instalment!
In terms of criticism for the actual drawing the only gripe I have is I can’t tell what’s going on with galis eyes in that 2nd page (with the side profile lineup) oh and another thing-I love how smug Makuta looks!

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Oh… she’s just glaring. Should I add a pupil?

On another note…

…Well… That canister sure looks nice and comfy right about now.


That’s a twist and a half.

As always, great work with the lighting. Tahu’s muted armor and the comparatively bright red haze makes a wonderfully oppressive atmosphere.

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Now you mention she’s glaring I see it now. I guess I interpreted it as crestfallen look with down cast eyes or something. This latest post is yet another cliff hanger, the red palette is really good-makes me feel like Makuta is everywhere now-or at least in control of the island.

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So, uh… this is bad.


This is probably the best take on Makuta’s MNOG form I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.

Well done.


Yikes. Reminds me of the comic panel in which Tahu Nuva led the tahnok against nuhvok-kal.


The last few pages are wild. This is some of your best work thus far, dude. You’re making Makuta as intimidating as he’s ever been, and even more so.

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Oh, he’s still not done.

This image of Tahu dragging his decomposing body along the darkened beach is one that’s lived in my mind for years. I don’t remember how many. I’m just so happy to finally get to these scenes. It’s pure catharsis.

What happens next? We’ll see tomorrow…


me waiting for tomorrow



I’ve been holding this twist in for so long. Seems Makuta shutting down the Great Spirit Robot… didn’t go so well in this continuity. Only the head and a hand made it down to the planet. This makes his 2008 plans impossible.


I was originally going to continue the dream sequence, showing Tahu reaching for the mask and putting it on with his restored body, then the other five Toa doing the same like some montage. I decided to make things slightly more subtle.

With all seven lights gathered, Makuta’s corrosion is burned away. I know some people are going to be disappointed by this, but no, Takua will NOT become a Toa in this story. Like the saying goes, you don’t need to be a Toa to be a hero.

All the same, feedback and discussion is appreciated.


Excellent first page. Really, really excellent.

Not to move the direction of the comic, but I was somewhat hoping for a sympathetic Makuta twist at some point, but this works just as well. The shock in his eyes as he realizes he botched his own plan - very different from the G1 Makuta, but also very fitting.

My only gripe is that all the Toa are floating now? It’s a little strange. It’s also strange that Takua isn’t, if he’s also one of the lights and if this is tied in with that. But overall, excellent pages this round.


How do I put this… they’re basically using all their masks powers at once. Right now, they’re using the power of the Miru without actually switching to it. Tomorrow you’ll see them use some other powers.


well, in cannon the gold masks have the powers of all 6 mata masks and they retain their shape (I think). though, it is different in mnog

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This reminds me of your planned Bionicle reboot that you made in like after G2 ended like it was a journal on Dev art or something I can’t remember

Levitation + speed + strength= One mean punch.

Makuta’s essentially become his “The Kingdom” counterpart. With his ultimate goal forever out of reach, he’s just… losing himself.


Really liking the Toa using the mask powers more often, especially combining effects. Rocket punch combo is a new favourite of mine.


I like the crazed look in Makuta’s eyes in page 3 panel 1. You can really tell how furious he is that his whole plan is in shambles, and that the Toa just won’t leave him alone.



And it’s about to get worse for him…

I’d tell Makuta to say his prayers, but uh… I think that ship sailed ages ago.

I know I must’ve said this a dozen times by now, but I’ve waited YEARS to draw these scenes.


Don’t talk to me or my children ever again