The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna

Congratulations. You have made the 400th post.


Absolutely incredible

Now who made the 300th

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Oh look at that, it was either me or Ghid.


All he had to do was be nice to the Matoran.

Either way… light and shadow have become one.


I like the way that bit worked. things are always about defeat, not ever anything like this. good job.

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Beautiful. The changes you’ve made to the story have made this such a refreshing and interesting tale-each time I’m left wondering what’s going to happen next?


No, that is not a human skeleton. The proportions are off in little ways all over. See that symmetrical, Makuta-style hand? Dead giveaway. In any case, we just found a great being.


By lord they are tall and are they glatoran or something else

Getting big engineer vibes

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Angonce why did you only pack protein bars and nothing else


I meant the Space Jockeys.


is that you velika?


Nah… just another miscellaneous Great Being we’ll never learn the name of. He is noteworthy for his deeds, though.

So, uh… lot to unpack today.

The skeleton may look humanlike enough until you get to the hands and feet, but living Great Beings were the template for Makuta’s build in this version. They were also in a similar height range, just a little taller than Makuta himself.

That’s right… Makuta was their C-3PO.

We see the memories from page 126 again, a look at the (much more toy-accurate) Toa chatting it up on Sphereus Magna, and a look at the moment of a rinky-dink Takua’s… birth. Bit of a Pinocchio/Geppetto dynamic, there.

And, uh… oh boy.


Little sprinkles of symbolism here and there

alright Toa, time to make a choice

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I kind of feel bad for the great beings right now and now here we are the endgame now Boys

And now I wonder what species are the great beings if glatoran or something else outside of spheris Magna

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight

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Let’s just assume the Glatorian/Agori are around the same size and build as the Toa/Matoran, and the Great Beings are another race.


Tahu bringing in the feels, calling all the way back to page 23. Three years and nearly 200 pages ago.

He remembered that whole part of the conversation word for word. He’s changed much, but even back then Tahu cared.

Sooo… our heroes live and Mata Nui awakes!

But to what end?


Wow, I only just realized that Tahu shoving the Mata Nui stone in infected Kopaka’s face is a callback to how Vakama did the same to Tahu when he was the one wrapped up in Makuta’s delirium. And really, this whole infection plotline is one big payoff for that opening sequence, where you set up how Makuta wanted to isolate and corrupt one of the Toa.

You mentioning how Tahu quoted the conversation from the beginning of the story convinced me to reread everything again, and boy am I glad I did. It can be so easy for me to lose track of the bigger picture in a long-running story like this, but your storytelling really shines when viewed as a whole. So many different nods and callbacks, minor things that seem like throwaways at first only for them to come back later (for example, dunno if this was intentional but when Onua is meeting the Onu-Matoran for the first time, he says “I’ll try and memorize your names.” Cut forward some 150 pages, and Makuta’s shadow version of Onua is on frame when he says “I memorized their names!”).

In short, I really enjoy this journey you’ve been taking us on, and I can’t wait to see how it ends.


That WAS intentional. :slight_smile:
You’re the first to pick up on that reference.


So, uh… yeah.