First off, a picture of the team!
Next, I want to state what my mindset was with these entries: include as much variety as possible while still remaining as faithful to the original Hagah designs as possible. For me, that means not changing anything that’s the same between Iruini and Norik and then fully utilizing all the variations within the things that were different between those two sets. For me personally, I think that’s what the official sets would have been like, so that’s what I was aiming for. Another thing, I personally find it boring to have three gold and three silver and I think that having 2 gunmetal grey is the best solution.
Here’s a size comparison photo:
Everyone is obviously taller than Whenua and shorter than Iruini, with the exception of Bomonga which is just about the same height (which is more clear with their masks off). Here’s a closer picture comparing the two:
Toa Bomonga -
I give consent for my mask to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if this mask is being used by another winning MOC and the other person isn’t willing to change their mask.)
I give consent for my metallic color choice to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if it is absolutely necessary to make the color coordination work. If it’s just for personal preference, no.)
I give consent for my spear tip to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
Toa Pouks -
I give consent for my mask to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
I give consent for my metallic color choice to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if it is absolutely necessary to make the color coordination work. If it’s just for personal preference, no.)
I give consent for my spear tip to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
Toa Kualas -
I give consent for my mask to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if this mask is being used by another winning MOC and the other person isn’t willing to change their mask.)
I give consent for my metallic color choice to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if it is absolutely necessary to make the color coordination work. If it’s just for personal preference, no.)
I give consent for my spear tip to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
Toa Gaaki -
I give consent for my mask to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if this mask is being used by another winning MOC and the other person isn’t willing to change their mask.)
I give consent for my metallic color choice to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Only if it is absolutely necessary to make the color coordination work. If it’s just for personal preference, no.)
I give consent for my spear tip to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
A little head canon for Gaaki that I thought could be cool - when Roodaka turned the Toa Hagah into Rahaga, she chose to make them like Rahkshi because she saw Gaaki’s shoulder armor and it reminded her of them.
You can check out the breakdowns by clicking here.
Here’s a list of all the 3D model links:
Kualas mask by Galva - Mask of Rahi Control (Toa Hagah Kualus) -Lovice Commission- by Galva - Thingiverse
Bomonga mask by Galva - Mask of Growth (Toa Hagah Bomonga) by Galva - Thingiverse
Gaaki mask by Galva - Mask of Clairvoyance (Toa Hagah Gaaki) -Lovice Commission- by Galva - Thingiverse
Pouks mask is in this bundle by vahki6 - Toa Hagah Kanohi Collection by vahki6 - Thingiverse
Kualas Spear by Galva - Ornamental Spearhead by Galva - Thingiverse
Bomonga, Pouks, and Gaaki Spear in bundle by vahki6 - Toa Hagah Spears Collection by vahki6 - Thingiverse
Lastly, I just wanted to give some of my reasons for decisions I made. Like I mentioned earlier, I think 2 gold, 2 silver, and 2 gunmetal grey is the best layout for the Toa Hagah. I think black and gold for Bomonga and dark blue and silver for Gaaki is my personal choice of best color scheme for them. Not only that, but I don’t like silver or gold on either white or the brown from Kualas or Pouks and I think gunmetal grey ends up being a nice fit.
I wish Kualas was able to have pure white legs, but I like the Piraka legs on him too much to not use them. I may just paint a pair to pure white at some point to use. But the intention for them, and the artists can represent it as such if it comes to that, as them being pure white like the rest of him. The current legs work satisfactorily for me though.
To elaborate on when I said I wanted to fully utilize all variations in the designs, a detail that I thought was pretty satisfying is that I ended up using each color twice, each leg type twice, and each torso height 3 times each (the first being one pin hole revealed and the second being two pin holes revealed).
If any of my designs end up winning, artists please do your best to preserve the color schemes I’ve chosen. I want to be flexible enough that it can change if it really needs to, but these color ratios is my ideal.
And I think that’s everything! If I’m missing anything or if something needs to be changed, please let me know. This is my first time participating in these contests and I tried my best. May the best designs win!