May 14, 2021, 1:59pm
This topic will serve as a quick catalog of entries for our third canon contest, for the Toa Hagah. It will also show whether or not entries have been disqualified and for what reason.
Expand for the entries
001: AlexanderBaronTredegar Disqualified. Reason: Did not adhere to Hagah guidelines.
002: Tarkur
003: Zarian
004: Jpg2497
005: Vahki6
006: RMan_McAwesome
007: CDrifter Disqualified. Reason: Invoked rule 11.
008: TTheLus
009: MecraMakuta
010: Synnova32
011: ToaKebaka
012: Senit
013: ToaVidal
014: MakutaWhaka
015: SomeBionicleFan23
016: AvohkiiStudios
017: Timeline15
018: Niflheimr
019: Markle
020: Good_Guy
021: MMF29
022: CaptainGeo
023: MakutaNuva
024: elementalheroshadow Kualus, Bomonga, and Pouks are disqualified. Gaaki is accepted.
025: ToaOfVirtues
026: LesovikkDM
027: TahuSteel17
028: b6i6o6
029: DeltaRed
030: MrYups25
031: Kraata
032: Night_Of_Thee_Abyss
033: Rothanak
034: OSSO
035: KanohiReqi
036: Garvox
037: imall543
038: PeppyBricks
039: macaniro
040: LPhoenix
041: UltimateMustacheX
042: Deikaeus
043: T4k4nuv4
044: FuzzMuffins
045: MSEP
046: 7even
047: Gilahu
048: Sparky
049: barraki124 Bomonga and Gaaki are disqualified. Kualus and Pouks are accepted.
050: Kodiak
051: Nightbeat1203
052: Toa-of-Onions
053: marekjajos
054: JopieTropi
055: doni
056: captainJthgamemaster
057: Tahnokui
058: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Disqualified. Reason: Did not adhere to Hagah guidelines.
059: Willess12
060: Darknova3529
061: SairinNoMaou
062: AnonymousUser
063: BonkleMaster
064: ferdenandrew
065: CalamitousT
066: MakutaMorax
067: Toa_Gua
068: Toa_Vholo
069: Racie02
070: TheSpiritombEnthusiast
071: Voyager
072: Makuta_Alvarez
073: TheUnderscoredDouble
074: UltimateGuurahk
075: RiderBD
076: ArrowRandoman
077: Ozkabot
078: Minirigby
079: Dag
080: Galva_Nize
081: ToaJaton
082: Flash1Lucky
083: Huemus
084: Ashilean
085: BazNik
086: Lhikan-Toa-Of-Fire
087: Wolk
088: Valkitus
089: ToaSohcah
090: Avaru
091: Technical_Difficulty
092: deniko_productions
093: jesusHERCULESchrist
095: CMO
096: Brod
097: ShadowVahki
098: illuminati_triforce
099: Lamentte
100: Lesnichiy
101: SFtheGreat
102: MtValmai
103: Gringat
104: Hazash
105: Kostar2005
106: Ender101
107: The_Hollowest_Knight
108: specterL
109: StudentScissors
110: Froggington
111: Muteki_Fedora
112: Everox
113: Seuss
114: Sharnak
115: Ballomnomnom
116: YourOgrelord
117: Juli
118: Underscore
119: Potato_Goose
120: TheJerminator
121: Blue
122: TheGhostRydr
123: Jathru_Cranli
124: joshdem
125: Perp3tual
126: SubParFauxPas
127: CrazyTAC
Art Contest:
Expand for the entries
001: Huemus
002: JustinArtCheng
003: ToaVictor
004: synonymforexpd
005: Rothanak
006: Lhikan-Toa-Of-Fire
007: MMF29
008: B3njix
009: Galva_Nize
010: KDNX
011: Stuubh
012: Aspie_Gamer
013: darkbrick999
014: KanohiReqi
015: Ar9914
016: Luhan
017: Kadator Disqualified. Reason: Violated Rule 9.
018: specterL
019: CrazyTAC
020: ToaFeliax Disqualified. Reason: Violated Rule 4e.
021: Sabretooth
022: Blue
023: Lewinga
024: ToaZaz
Here is my entry for Pouks.
And here is my entry for Kualus.
Entry Thumbnail.
To prove that the models themselves haven’t been altered here is the original render for the thumbnail.
Ok, I think we are all on the same page now. Hello my name is Tarkur, this is my entry for the Bionicle Canon Contest #3 Honor Guard.
Let’s first address the rooms’ very heavy elephants by some housekeeping. These models were all built in stud.io so they had a great leniency with using parts in unique colors without committing the crime of painting pieces but at the cost of not having access to every piece ever. Furthermore the 1-1-1-1-1-1 split is a personal preference of mine, however I do realize that people are more interested in good 2-2-2 or 3-3 splits with that said I do give consent to change the metallic color would one of my models make it…
Here is mine, everything should be rules compliant
Here is my Gaaki MOC, im not sure if im going to use first image as main contest image but if i dont change anything then just use it.
@Vahki6 You might want to post your entry in here too
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Here is my entry for the four Toa Hagah
Hello to you all ! Vahki6 here but most of you may know me as Kuhon or IronFoam Armory. Here’s my entry for this long-awaited contest and I have four Toa to submit.
My point when building them has always been : art will be canon indeed, but it’s important to also please the ones who will want to build them at home and align them on their shelves next to the original sets. That’s why I decided to stick exactly to the classic Metru/Hagah build as it was in the sets, like if they could be actual sets straight from the canister! No fancy modification, hidden-function or details, you can open your toa hagah instruction and build them as they are.
Some people seeing my creations before made a lot of feedback about the colors choices, and I think I should explain my motivations about my armor c…
Here be my hat into this online ring:
Putting forth all four remaining Hagah in one topic:
[Toa Hagah] [Toa Hagah_2]
(Either one of these can be used for the entry thumbnail if they’re to be counted as a group.)
Here are some individual action-y shots:
Some of the rules I imposed for these builds - they are “purist metru builds” as it were. Mainly that means no shoulder ball articulation which is a popular modification to many metru builds. Also, I refrained from using custom parts, and every piece in all 4 sets, to the best of my knowledge, only uses colors Lego actually produced them in. While I would have loved to have two sets use gunmetal, Lego never produced the metru greave piece in that color, so I went with something that anyone could make a real, unmodified physical mode…
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My entry for the contest:
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I’m ready. Cheers, gathered friends! I hope you Hagah nice day!
Let’s make this another fun one!
Bang. I open with the money shot, which is also my entry pic.
[Xian Rhapsody v2]
I’ll go ahead and say it right off the bat-- I intentionally made the designs a tad excessive in uniqueness from their brethren Norik and Iruini, to justify how they were six strangers recruited to be bodyguards, and to stray from the “cloned set curse”. I understand if you don’t like my design decisions; to each their own preference in the end, after all. Cheers!
If you’re familiar with my work on Instagram, Facebook, or Reddit, you’ll know that this isn’t my original iteration of the four ‘missing’ Toa Hagah. I had to edit their legs and spears to abide by the contest guidelines (e.g. from 7L joint connectors to 5L joint connectors for the thighs).
Allow me to formally introduce my designs choices. The …
Ok, here is my Kualus entry!
Here is my interpretation of Toa Hagah Kualus:
Entry photo:
Front view:
Side view:
Back view:
Breakdown of weapons, arms and torso add-ons (the rest of the construction should be obvious from general photos and classical Metru build):
Breakdown of the Mask:
Comparison with Toa Hagah Norik (since I do not have Iruini). They are the same size, the only difference is produced by the mask, otherwise the Metru head, eyes and ball joint locations are the same. If case that is not sufficient, here is also a comparison with Norik using Iruini-style legs. You can see that even with the mask, Iruini would still be slightly taller:
Kualus is my favorit…
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May 15, 2021, 4:08pm
I hope this isnt too early:
These are my Toa Hagah contest entries. I chose the 3-3 Split to make two teams each for one side of Teridaxs throne room.
I give consent for my mask to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: Yes
I give consent for my metallic color choice to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: Yes
I give consent for my spear tip to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: Yes
Entry Photo
Front side and back <a class="lightbox" href="https://board.ttvchannel.com/uploads/db5640/original/4X/1/c/4/1c438e7dcf1e882235780d7cbdcaef3d40f7c643.jpeg" data-download-href="https://board.ttvchannel.com/uploads/db5640/1c438e7dcf1e882235780d7cbdcaef3d40f7c643" title="IMG_0884">[IMG_0884]</a>…
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This is my entry for Bionicle Canon Contest #3 , Toa Gaaki. Bionicle G1 canon contest #3 Honor Guard - Toa Hagah
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May 16, 2021, 12:26pm
You have to put it in a separate topic and then put the link to it in here
And only gunmetal or silver is allowed