The Elite Guardians (Bionicle Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard)

The Toa Hagah, elite guardians of Makuta.

Entry photos:

Additional photos of Gaaki:

Additional photos of Kualus:

Additional photos of Bomonga:

Additional photos of Pouks:

I give consent for the mask of Bomonga and Pouks to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses.
I give consent for all metallic color choices to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses.
I give consent for all spear tips to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses.

And that’s all! Enjoy.


Cool! I’ve been waiting for your entries and I love your Bomonga. I’m glad you gave consent to change the metallic colors because boy are gold krahkans expensive.

by the gods… your presentation is no less than stellar.

i really hope this makes the deadline, because I have a good feeling about your entry’s chances of winning all four slots, as bold as that may sound. well done.


yeah, better to change them to gunmetal

I would change it to either silver or metallic blue because those strike out more. I still prefer the gold tho.

Stellar presentation and phenomenal builds good sir, this’ll be a really tough contest but you have my vote.

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You have my support whole heartedly.

These look like they could’ve been the official set forms. Very well done!

Cool entries, best of luck during voting!

Thanks! Yeah, I think giving the freedom to switch metallic colors around makes sense, although I am partial to three gold and three silver.

Hopefully they all do well! We’ll have to see!

Thank you both!

Thanks, that’s what I was aiming for, and I’m glad to hear it!


can i ask for empty background pics?

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