Toa Hagah, Guardians of the Makuta (Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard)

Here are my entries for the Hagah contest. Enjoy!

Entry photos

I give consent for my masks to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: Sure
I give consent for my metallic color choices to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: Sure
I give consent for my spear tips to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: Sure

Height comparison, front, side, back, breakdown, and inspiration

3D printed parts

Mask of Sensory Aptitude Great Mask of Sensory Aptitude (YXXLQ9BTL) by Galva_bot
Champion Kakama
Shapeways 3D Printing Marketplace
The Champions [MASK PACK #4] by Galva - Thingiverse
Mask of Growth / prototype Kadin
Great Mask of Growth (axle) (9L2KPTR2U) by Galva_bot
Mask of Growth (Toa Hagah Bomonga) by Galva - Thingiverse


I think This is perfect! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

At first, I felt uncomfortable with the flame sculpture on Gaaki’s chest armor, but i remembered to the fact that Berix’s water helmet was adopted as Ackar’s flame helmet, and the sculpture is more ambiguous than Tahnok’s Fire-Shiled. so I like it because it looks like seaweed in the sea!

I forgot write this:
Your piece selection is fantastic, especialy Gaaki.
You choose Rode and Nuva-armor to her, and those has similar shape -It is spherical and has a triangular hole at the end.
I think this is same method with official design, just like Arthron has same design with jaller’s Shoulder armor!
(I felt same by other 3, but Gaaki is the most easy to be understood)


well, you have the best picture quality and build quality combo yet, so i think you’re gonna get pretty far.


It’s tough to strike a balance between 1) matching the Norik and Iruini sets and 2) making models that are actually nice to look at, but I think you’ve done it. They’re distinct while still belonging in the Toa Hagah lineup. Love the Knights’ Kingdom armor, which suits these storied heroes nicely. And Bomonga and Pouks look absolutely stunning.


While the tusks on Bomonga look very out of place, you’ve given permission to remove those so, otherwise, these are great builds. I especially like Kualus. Not only for his metallic blue armor, but the choice of mask seems very fitting as well. Good job, and good luck.


Oh man these look really cool! Hope you win!


I really like the sanoks as shoulders. don’t see inika masks used all too often.


As others have said, you did a good job carrying a motif through each Toa while keeping them simple enough to look cohesive as a team. Also, clever use of the Nuva shoulder armor as makeshift Inika heads on Bomonga. Do the pieces strain at all from that setup?

All strong entries here. Good luck!


I can’t tell if Iruini’s having a good time or not…



Darn, another build very similar to mine (my Gaaki also uses a Rode). But for that reason, along with the fact that you’ve consented to all changes, I will be very likely to vote for your Gaaki :wink:

As for the others, I could be tempted to vote for them, though I’m personally not a fan of Knights Kingdom pieces as they don’t look much like G1 parts. And the Sanok shoulders on Bomonga are a bit extreme.

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I love your Bomonga. But honestly, I think I preferred the Rhino mask you had on him originally. Still cool. Your Pouks is pretty great too. Good luck in the polls!


These are good, I like them a lot.


I have been anxiously awaiting your Bomonga @Kodiak, but I see you brought a whole cavalery!


Thank you for entering.

Before we can accept these, we will need you to provide links to the custom/3D printed pieces for free download. If you could add those within the next three (3) days, that’d be great.

Thank you.


I wasn’t sure I’d be a fan of the Pouks, but I dig it. The mask, I mean; the build is extremely simple and it’s the same as every other Pouks for the most part. But the mask fits the aesthetic.


flame look like water nice

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Thanks everyone!

The pieces haven’t strained thankfully. They fit in as well as the green inika heads.

Whoops. I added links to both Galva’s shapeways and thingiverse at the bottom of my post.


dang, that’s the first shapeways mask that I might actually consider picking up

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Your Bomonga is definitely a standout! I’m usually resistant to the idea that all Toa of Earth have to be hunched and bulky, but man that design is just so cohesive. The rockiness of the Sanok shoulder armor really adds a lot. Big fan of the metallic blue on Kualus as well – I hope if you end up winning the artist keeps that color scheme for the next phase! If I have one gripe, I would have liked to see more unique shoulder armor on Gaaki, but these are really clean and elegant designs all around.


I love the mask on Bomonga and the shoulders are perfect for him. Great job!