This is one of the reasons why bionicle is so cool. What other toyline actively commissions full-on songs by different bands to reflect its storyline and atmosphere every year?
This trailer holds a special place in my heart. I’m pretty sure it’s the first Bionicle commercial I ever saw.
You know, for the longest time I thought the line was: “Watch out, he’s hot!”
This makes a heck of a lot more sense. XD
Ah the Mahri trailer, best Bionicle movie ever.
this is such a good commercial, I wish G2 had gotten stuff like this
y’know what the strange part about the song difference is
I am from the UK and I heard Crashed instead of Face Me when watching the mini film
also this Blooper that I think was an Easter Egg of sorts
it is a tad bit darker now that I watch it nowadays
Looks like the animators over at Ghost were having a bit of fun one day…
They knew about the lime pieces.
I never even knew they had voices. I saw this video when I was 6 or something like that.
And also about the pain of stepping on lego
After nearly 10 years of hearing the version with crashed, watching the Face Me version feels really weird…
Just a quick thing, but…
Guys, have you ever noticed Nuparu’s shield at 00:43? That’s got to be the coolest thing to ever exist.
Thats so freakin’ neat!
I remember seeing it way back when and then imagining the actual set could do it. Good times.
As pointless as it sounds I thought that it was ‘oxygen flow on’ instead of objective, just me?
It does say “Oxygen flow on”, I thought?
When they’re suiting up and installing the oxygen tubes he says “oxygen flow on”.
It’s definitely not objective.
I checked Biosector01 which has a transcript, here’s what it has (cutting out the parts showing what’s onscreen. Also apparently the guy doing all the systems checks as they descend is Axonn, huh… the more you know):
Axonn: Deep sea descent in progress.
Axonn: Thirty one, thirty two.
Axonn: Thirty three thousand.
Hahli: Stay on site.
Axonn: Prepare for impact.
Axonn: Release fireblade.
Jaller: Check.
Axonn: Prototank.
Hahli: Check.
Axonn: Oxygen flow on.
Matoro: Check.
Axonn: Three. Two. One.
Axonn: Destination reached.
Axonn: Disarm hatch. And release Cordak Blasters.
Axonn: Mission objective: Retrieve Mask of Life.
Kongu: I’m ready.
Axonn: Time is limited.
Jaller: There seems to be no sign of life.
Hahli: Whoa. What’s that?
Jaller: Unite in battle formation.
Nuparu: Let’s get them.
Matoro: I’ve got this one.
Kongu: Off you go, creep.
Nuparu: Guys, are you okay? Report back.
Hewkii: Holy Gadunka! Watch out, he’s armed.
Hewkii: Jaller, Nuparu, what’s your status?
Jaller: I’ve found the mask!
Hydraxon: I believe that mask belongs to me.
Teridax: That mask is mine.
Jaller: Guys, I need backup.
Jaller: Matoro!
Matoro: I’ll take it from here.
WhY dOeS sHe HaVe A mAlE vOiCe
I always thought it was nuparu who spoke
@Star-Lord Because only one guy voiced all the characters.
I’d say that more sounds like Blarster, like how I would.
I dunno, he sounds English to me, but I can’t know for sure because I can barely find a biography for Tony Wedgewood let alone his home country.
If anyone knows for sure I’d love to know
Edited for Double Posting - Waj
Cool, just checking because some of the other script attempts were different, also I didn’t know axonn had a voice in this.