The Toa Mata of Secondary Elements

Wow! Nice work! I love Bohu and his whole aesthetic.

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I wonder what will the members of original Toa Mata would think of their secondary elemental cousins if the two groups meet each other?

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I find the Toa Mata of the secondary elements very interesting. Since like the original Toa Mata, their personalities are closer to their elements. It would be interesting to see the two teams meet each other to see their relationships between their members. Here’s how it would go:

Tahu: He would probably get mostly along with Feri due both being proactive leaders of their respective teams, although Tahu isn’t a bureaucratic type and Feri probably wouldn’t like the “head first into danger” approach of Tahu’s strategy, unless they’re well-equipped to support such a tactic. He would get along well with Supoka, since their elements are very alike(with Fire and Plasma are both heat-based elements), They also might have a type of friendly rivalry, with Supoka often challenges Tahu to fight with him either in Ta-Wahi(Ta-Kini) and Su-Wahi(Su-Kini) to see who’s fire burns the hottest. They seem to get along the most in the heat of combat, however outside of it is a different story. With Supoka has proven to be far too hot-headed and wild, even for the fiercesome Toa of Fire, Tahu. Tahu wouldn’t have much trouble with Voliku or Falu. Voliku would probably get on his nerves a lot due to her hyperactive (and somewhat annoying) nature. Although Tahu does appreciate the lightshows she produces from her dances that energized her shoulder-mounted generators. Voliku would often see Tahu as kind of a grumpy face due to his fierce, impatient and fiery temper-like personality, but would see deep down, a warm-hearted and caring individual. She would usually try to cheer him up in times of frustration and anger. Tahu would often try to tell Falu to just pick a hobby that fits him best, rather than constantly going through multiple activities to find his true calling. Although he is often surprised by his persistence and willpower especially in a middle of a tough fight, regardless of the odds. Cerahu would get on his nerves a lot, due to her constantly reading his mind, often correcting him on a lot of things. As well as critizing his many mistakes as leader of his Toa team, that is caused due his rashness, impatience, and fiery temper that would often cloud his judgement, which results in usually leading his team in more trouble than needed. Despite this, Tahu does appreciate her supportive nature in trying to help improve his leadership skills, even when he doesn’t often admit it outloud. Bohu would be the opposite of Tahu, being more laid back, relaxed and calm. However, Tahu doesn’t understand why Bohu would be so relaxed during a crucial time where they should focus more on collecting the Kanohi, the Great and Noble masks of power that they need on their quest to free their island from the evil spirit of Makuta. Although Bohu wouldn’t mind Tahu, so long he doesn’t scorch his plants. If so, then he’ll recieve from Bohu the most intense glare known in Mataron history(this instance of this situation only happens once to Tahu, when he got impatient and burn down a beach tree to get his kanohi from it. Angering both Gali and more importantly Bohu, which resulted Tahu being intimately in shock for 30 mintues. However, Bohu would rarely use this technique, unless someone harms his flowers or fellow Bo-Matoran. He likely use it more on Supoka, due to him constantly scorching his plants on a daily basis). However Bohu would easily forgive anyone for burning his plants, and is more easy going to others. Baria would get along with nicely with Tahu, so long as Tahu would ask nicely for him to smash the nearest enemy or object in their way. Deka, well Tahu would find him very strange, since he is deaf and wouldn’t really understand him, although he doesn’t find him giving off a obnoxiously cold sense of suppority that Kopaka silently reflects off of his icy exterior.

Lewa: He wouldn’t get along with Feri, due to his bureaucratic nature and high expectations on his teammates to reach the same dedication as he is. Lewa often finds Feri too demanding of what he expects, often pushing his teammates to their limits during training and doesn’t take no for an answer, even when he should. Feri doesn’t like Lewa due to his reckless behavior and discard for his authority as well as often jumping ahead without a plan(or the plans that Lewa would often disagree with if it puts their brothers and sisters in a lot more harm than usual). Despite their differences, they often put aside them when the situation calls for it. He and Supoka would sort of get along nicely, although even Lewa would be concerned about his pyromatic tendencies as well as collateral damage to the forests, villages and the surrounding area, which frustrates Lewa to no end. Despite this, Supoka would often try to calm Lewa and reassure him that no Maoran is harmed in his many accidents, which is often more true than what the others think. Voliku would get along with Lewa, due to both being very energetic and hyperactive individuals. He often finds her electric dances very pretty and would often join her to help make the dances even more crazier and energetic than they were previously before. They would often race each other in the treetops of Le-Wahi or the stormy Cliffsides of Vo-Wahi to see who is the quickest in the sky(Air against Lightning), in most cases, Lewa would often be the victor of the races they compete in, much to Voliku’s annoyance. Although she can’t help but enjoy the fun in the challenges they often compete in to further test each other. She would often ask for a rematch and Lewa would usually comply to see if she can finally beat him. He would also get along with Falu, although Lewa thinks that Falu is clining on too many things to find what to do and finds him going overboard in handling multiple hobbies. Yet surprisingly, Lewa doesn’t find Falu exhausted from all the activities he went through on a daily basis. Although Lewa does appreciate Falu on trying new things as well as his impressive integrity, and persistence in never giving up. Lewa would try to get along Cerahu, but even he would be annoyed with her constantly reading his mind, which gives her the nickname “smart-mouth,” because of her correcting others mistakes. Despite this, he respects her good instincts and quick thinking in a desperate situation and her solutions are usually accurate and well thoughtout. Although, Cerahu finds Lewa somewhat reckless, and a bit childish, she finds herself respecting him for his surprisingly great instincts, and somehow being correct in most situations. Which often puzzles her to no end(because she is a psychic and supposed to forsee a situation), with Lewa sometimes teasing her about this. Him and Bohu, despite their very distinctive as well as different personalities, would get along with each other very well, due their shared fondness of nature in their respective regions(both being Jungles) and would often visit each other to watch the leaves from the trees being blown through the wind or watch various forms of life thriving in the thick vegetation, like plants and Rahi. Baria and him would also get along surprisingly well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Baria would enjoy Lewa’s jokes, wisecracks or his treespeak way of speech, both would make him laugh uncontrollably from time to time. Although he would find Deka somewhat strange, with Deka being deaf and often wants to be alone. That doesn’t stop him from being friends with the silent Toa of Sonics. I wouldn’t be surprised that both of them would be singing in the winds that carry the sounds of the chant they perform together in secret. Lewa would also love Dekka’s flying companion Piki and would often play with him with Deka’s permission.

Gali: Although, she appreciates Feri’s proactiveness and thinking ahead of a situation, Gali would think that he is sometimes too proactive and his high expectations of his teammates, hinders his leadership a bit as well as their team’s unity. Gali wouldn’t like Supoka’s reckless and pyromatic behavior, and how it can lead to consequences down the line, even though she is relieved to know that no innocent is harmed in his many accidents. She would often or not scold Supoka for his reckless actions. Voliku would get along with Gali just fine, although Gali would try to get her to calm down if she’s a bit too energetic for the even some of the others’ liking. Voliku would often ask Gali to dance with her during her many lightshows along with Lewa, she would more likely comply when she has nothing better to do. Together, they dance in the eye of a raging storm(lightning, air and water). She would also get along with Falu, even he struggles with thinking that he isn’t interesting enough to be a hero, Gali would try to reassure him that he is a hero in his own right. She also appreciate him on trying to keep his team’s unity intact, one of the three virtues that helps make a Toa team more effective as a unit. Her relationship with Cerahu would be interesting, although both are wise members of their team, Cerahu is more likely to correct others more than Gali, which often leads with her teammates being at odds with her “critiques” of them, leaving Gali very concern and would try to often encourage her to be more soft and less in your face in her approach. Cerahu would see Gali as a mentor figure and would try to learn from her as much as possible to help master her powers and skills be a better Toa. Bohu would get along well with Gali. Like with Lewa, their elements(air, water, and plantlife) make up the essential pillars that makes up life in nature that thrives, and would usually mediate together in their spare time. It’ll likely be somewhere in their respective regions(maybe their Kini, sacred temples in each region)to be more in tuned with the natural surrounding area around them. Baria would find Gali interesting, due to her wisdom, gentleness and kindness. Which often makes him constantly protective around her, like Tahu. Although Gali appreciates him trying to protect her, she wished for him not for him to be too defensive around her(this somewhat comes across embarrassing, though she isn’t bother by it that much anyway). Which she often asking him to go save his fellow teammates and Matoran villagers whenever she is not in danger. Baria would often do so, as well as giving her some personal space. Deka would have a unique relationship with Gali. Both are gentle individuals of their respective team, Although he usually travels alone, he appreciate her company as if she could understand his whistles and his companion Piki would often get her affection, which is likely to do with Gali’s kind and gentle nature. She would often help Deka take care of his companion whenever he is ill or sick.

Kopaka: He would appreciate Feri’s proactiveness in thinking ahead of a situation as well as being impressed by his engineering skills, with his many gadgets and tools being more than enough proof on how dedicated and smart he really is. Although he wouldn’t like his bureaucratic expections of his teammates. Feri would respect Kopaka, despite his cold and cynical nature, likely due to his logical way of thinking, as well as his analytical skills in properly analyzing a situation. Although Feri wished for Kopaka to get along with his teammates better, he can at least know that Kopaka will be there when his team will need his assistance. Kopaka wouldn’t like Supoka much, due to him being a reckless pyromaniac, and finds him even more hot-headed and tempermental than Tahu and usually tries to stay away from him. Supoka would see Kopaka as a cold-hearted individual, due to his tencies in working alone and can be a bit rude, but still tries to be a good friend to him, even when Kopaka just wants to be alone. Voliku would also try to be Kopaka’s friend, even though he finds her fast-speaking and lightning jumping speech annoying(even more than Lewa’s treespeak or Pohatu’s stubbornness) and usually tries to ignore her chatter unless its important, much to Voliku’s annoyance. Kopaka would see Falu as an individual who tries to do too much to prove himself. Even though he’s less direct about this, he tries to somewhat encourages him to stick with what he knows and his actions in what defines him as a Toa. Kopaka would get along with Cerahu very well, due to both of them being the Tactical, strategically, and logical minds of their respective teams, and would often have no trouble working with each other. Although Kopaka finds her correcting others somewhat annoying, it doesn’t really bothers him that much. He would often train with her in their spare time in the icy slopes Ko-wahi to improve their fighting skills. Kopaka’s relationship with Bohu would mostly fine. However he would find Bohu very strange, even though he’s more laid back and relaxed, he often finds him curious, as if he’s acting like a tree(with an actual tree growing out of him). Bohu might appear to be calm and laid back, but when someone burns his flowers, he’d give them a glare(more notably Tahu and Supoka) so intense and unerving that it chills even Kopaka’s soul. So he knows not to anger Bohu, and tries not to do so. Kopaka would see Baria more than a brute with a big heart, and bigger aspirations and would respect him for that. Baria would see Kopaka as a individual who would hide his feelings with his cold exterior, but deep down cares for his friends. Kopaka would respect Deka for his silence and gentle nature. Even though both are loners, they often meet each other in their respective regions to discuss and pounder about the Mysteries and Legends of the Island they inhabbit.

Onua: He supports Feri as leader of his team, despite his bureaucratic nature and high expections of his teammates. He is one of the few Toa to approach Feri with a mindset that is closer to a bureaucratic politician, only more fair, often giving him advice and suggestions that would help improve his leadership skills. He would often be at Feri’s side in times where he is either in doubt or regret. Feri often sees Onua as a advisor and a close friend, and would offer him better Toa tools, however Onua would decline. So instead he would upgrade Onua’s claws to dig through dirt and soil with greater efficiently. Onua would find potential in Supoka in becoming a great Toa hero, even though his reckless actions and pyromatic nature often hinders his full potential as well as getting him viewed as a crazy pyromaniac in the eyes of his fellow teammates(even though some of them wished not to say this to him because it would make him very sad, also the fact that he is actually very friendly to his fellow Toa and Matoran despite his pyromatic tendencies). Onua tries to (indirectly) guide him to be more cautious and more careful with his element(since plasma is the most destructive and dangerous out of all the elements, since it can melt through any substance within mere seconds, unlike with Fire, which takes a bit more time to melt certain hard substances like rock than burning something flammable, and what it can’t burn or melt, it usually goes around it or burns out). Although Supoka would see Onua as being too cautious, boring and doesn’t like him to lecture him about the consequences of his actions like nearly every member of his team often says to him. Luckily, Onua’s actions often speak louder words and often comes to support others in battle. Even though he knows its wrong, he mostly let’s Supoka do minor mistakes, believing that he will learn from them, as long as no Matoran are harmed. Onua and Voliku would have an interesting dynamic, with Voliku being the energetic, jumpy and fast speaker, while Onua is the grounded, calm and reserve individual. Although Voliku would find Onua boring, and slow, she appreciates him saving her encase she(and others) gets in trouble(more often or not). Onua often finds her too hyperactive and reckless, even though he does respect for who she is, her lightning dance shows often give his eyes a hard time to concentrate whenever he comes to visit her show in Vo-Koro. Due to the amount of brightness her energetic, sparkling light dances often produces, occasionally give him a headache(since his eyes like Onu-Matoran are more in tuned in seeing in the dark), as a result, he often doesn’t come to her shows. Although she wished him to come see her dances, even she can somewhat tell that the shows give his eyes a hard time. So Voliku would sometimes go to Onu-koro to perform for him and his people. Though she tries to limit the amount of brightness her dances often produces to avoid harming Onua and his people’s eyes. He and Falu would get along just fine, Onua even would help sort out the stuff he wants to do and Falu would respect his subtle wisdom. He and Cerahu would have an interesting relationship. With Cerahu being the few to fully understand Onua, thanks to her telepathy. However what’s puzzling is that Onua understands her a lot more than she does with him, and she’s a psychic. Making him the very hard to correct, plus along with his great wisdom and patience, makes her want to learn more from him, treating him like another mentor-like figure similarly to Gali. Onua would often try to encourage her to let her teammates make minor mistakes so they could learn from them first hand and to better themselves for the future. He also respects her for thinking things through and planing ahead. Bohu would respect Onua for his calm and reserve personality, since their elements are symdotic with each other(plants rooting in the earth for nutrients). Onua would also respect Bohu for his caring nature of the wildlife surrounding him. Baria would see Onua as a close friend and a “grounded individual” when it comes to patience and wisdom. Onua would respect Baria for being more grounded in realism, and with having bigger aspirations that soars up in the sky that defy gravity itself. Deka would also see Onua as a close friend, like Kopaka. Onua would also help him with his deafness by teaching him to use his sonic powers to sense things(since Onua have enhanced hearing). They would often practice in the caves to feel what’s in the earth they stand on, allowing Deka to use his sonic vibrations to sense anything from either below or above the ground, effectively helping him master his sonar-like abilities. This newfound skill has helped Deka and his team in more than one occasion, like sensing danger ahead, help locate hidden kanohi and detecting traps whether within the earth or even underwater.

Pohatu: He would get along with Feri, although he would get annoyed Pohatu’s Toa tools being feet additions and would often try to get Pohatu a better Toa Tool to go along with his existing Toa tools, although the Toa of Stone would decline the offer. So Feri instead offers to upgrade Pohatu’s piston-like additions on his feet, so to increase the durability and strength of the outershell to withstand greater forces of impact. As well as to improve the internal mechanisms to allow the user to kicks objects with greater force and more efficiently. Which Pohatu gladly takes. He also appreciates Feri for his resourcefulness and proactiveness in giving his team upgrades to their equipment to deal wth any situation they find themselves in. Feri also respects Pohatu for his rock soild dependability and friendly nature. Pohatu and Supoka would have no problem getting along with each other. Pohatu wouldn’t mind too much on Supoka’s collateral damage, so long as no matoran are hurt(which surprisingly no matoran were ever hurt in Supoka’s reckless pyromanic rampage, the only time it happened it was twice. The first time it happened is when he was first testing his powers in Su-Wahi after arriving at the Island paradise as well as emerging from his canister like the others. He blasted part of a rocky cliffside, which turn to molten lava within less of a second. A Su-Matoran, unknown to Supoka was underneath the same Cliffside watching him in the cavern and was nearly buried under a pile of molten rock. Luckily, Supoka notice the little Matoran and quickly move him out of the way of the path of the lava. Supoka then apologies to the Su-Matoran for not noticing him underneath the cliff he shot at with his plasma crossbow. The Su-Matoran fogiven him and leads him back to his village). The second time is when he is mind-controlled(it could be either the Makuta with his infected masks that controls the rahi or the Bahrag’s telepathic connection with the organic masks of the Krana that drive the Bohrok swarms that they command to cleanse the Island, its up to your interpretation) and well, it drove him almost completely insane and go on a scorching rampage across Ta-Wahi, Bo-Wahi, Ga-Wahi, Le-Wahi, Ko-Wahi, and even Su-Wahi. Even though Supoka tries to stop himself, he finds his pyromaniac tendencies increase tenfold by the mind-controlled presence that invades his mind. This burning destruction is only stopped by the combined efforts of Tahu, Gali, Kopaka Cerahu, Feri, Bohu, Baria and Onua, who manage to restrain Supoka long enough for Cerahu to use her Telepathy to help break Supoka free from his mind-controlled state. Those were two times were the closest calls where Supoka almost put the matoran in harm’s way or worse. These events often lead to Supoka feeling guilt, regret and doubt in himself over what he done, and the destruction he caused. Even though it wasn’t his fault, which some of his teammates including Pohatu tries to bring up. Voliku would see Pohatu as a fellow friend and competitor due to both of them being “lighting fast”(Pohatu using the mask of speed, while Voliku is very quick in her reflexes), and would often challenge him to a race, which Pohatu usually accepts, like his fellow Toa Lewa. Even though Voliku or Pohatu would often beat each other evenly in each race, usually 50/50 in their win streaks, their reactions are very different. While Voliku enjoys winning and hates losing(though not as extreme as others), Pohatu does it for fun and entertainment. Both make a lightning fast duo of their respective teams, with Pohatu being the muscle and endurant one and Voliku being the agile, and hyperactive one. Together, they are nearly unstoppable. Pohatu would get along with Falu just fine, though Pohatu would encourage him to discover who Falu wants to be that defines himself. He also respects him for his integrity and willpower to help overcome any obstacle in his way. Pohatu also finds him very good with directions on the Island(since like the Fa-Matoran, he possesses an internal compass that allows him to tell which direction is North, West South and East. He can also sense the magnetic poles of the planet he’s on).Cerahu would find Pohatu interesting because he is one of the few Toa to not take her corrections and criticism so hard and is very encouraging for her to get better. Pohatu believes that with the proper training, she could use her psionic powers properly without having to rely on her tools. Bohu wouldn’t have a problem with Pohatu, even when he accidentally steps on his flowers(burning them only angers Bohu) and Pohatu would find Bohu more in line with his element the most out of his 14 Toa brothers and sisters. Bohu would let Pohatu appreciate the nature of the world and its beauty in even the tinest things, especially in the desert region of Po-Wahi or Fe-Wahi(even though they’re two of Bohu’s least favorite regions to visit, due having less flora, although he doesn’t dislike them as much as the scorching regions of Ta-Wahi and Su-Wahi). Pohatu would also get along with Baria very nicely. Both being the brute force of their respective teams and are the most friendliest out of all of them. Deka would find Pohatu very pleasing, although he is deaf and often hear the loud footsteps of his arrival(his sonic powers made up his hearing, thanks to Onua’s training). He would find Pohatu a close friend and ally in times of danger and darkness.

Okay, so that’s how the relationships would go down between the two teams. I think the Original Island of Mata Nui couldn’t fit all the secondary Toa without having to make more regions to represent them even though the island’s already big. So I was thinking a bigger island with more regions and matoran villages that represents the secondary elements closely like this artwork by this wonderful artist:


*1st Note: I imagine this version Island having a lot more mataron pollutating it due to its increased size. Which allows a lot more room to have more regions and villages to fit into. This also means we have more side characters like the Matoran and Turaga of the secondary elements, although I didn’t come up with names for them, so you probably can do a better job than me. Plus this comment is already long enough to nearly fit a three page paragraph.

So what do you think? Do you think I did a good job on describing the relationship between the Two groups of Toa teams members?

*2nd Note: Your interpretations of their relationships don’t have to closely match my examples that I put in this very long comment I made.

Edit: Wow, I didn’t expect this comment to get so many likes from this thread. I never thought this comment would get very popular this quickly. Even the creator of the Toa Mata of the secondary elements has even put a like in this long and detailed comment that describes the relationship between the members of the Original six elemental members of the Toa Mata and the Secondary eight Elemental members of the second Toa team with the same name. Thank you for all for the support you gave to me in liking this comment.


I actually made a matoran of plant life named Barog I think it’s funny how the toa you made and the matoran I made have similar names

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Yeah, he based them on the prefix of the secondary elements that are based on real life words.

Fe- Latin prefix for Iron, scientific element
Su- English prefix for “superheated”
Vo- Prefix for “Voltage”, also a unit called volt
Fa- Prefix of the last name the of Michael Faraday, a scientist that made contributions to magnetism
Ce- Prefix of the Latin word “Cerebrum” which means brain
Bo- Prefix of Botany, relating to plantlife
De- Prefix of “decibel” a unit of sound pressure
Ba- Prefix of the Greek word ‘Baros’, which means Gravity in english

Do you have more secondary element matoran names or you just have one?


Huh, I always thought the prefix for “Su” was based off “Sun” because of its plasma state.


I guess it can work too. Since the Sun is a superheated ball of gas in space in the center of our Solar System.


Nice. Someone should actually try and remake the series and integrate these guys in it

What mask is in the middle?

Do not double post. -Eljay

I really like how unique they all are. Bohu is my favorite and I love Deka’s pet

I love Bohu. Such amazing designs!

these toa are very well designed and i am thinking of printing some of them out when i get my printer i am just waiting for the custom parts you made to come out

You should make phantoms and mistaka versions
Perhaps ones to be a part of the toa metru(even give said secondary metru their turaga forms)

Wow these look awesome!