Yeah really just a placeholder. I don’t know any white mask that would work. Do you maybe have any idea? (and i have no idea where my metru blue ones are)
I like the way Teruu is built and posed, gives him a sortof bestial feel.
His weapon is a little difficult to see in the pictures though.
I feel like Tupuhi’s color scheme communicates poison or acid moreso than air, and I feel like he could use a bit more bulking up. I understand if a thin, lanky look is what you were going for, but I feel like the thighs are just tad too thin.
I like Teka’s armor but I’m not sure what’s going on with that stuff added on to his lower back.
I like Tenit’s use of the mahri visors as shoulder armor, but is her mask intentionally red or did you just not want to paint the piece?
Uira has a really nice bulky look, I love seeing the 2015 add-ons incorporated into mostly g1 based mocs.