The Transformers

Nothing to be ashamed of.

It makes you no less a fan than any of us! What it all boils down to is your willingness to check out other installments/iterations.

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prime and fall of cybertron are fantastic, did you play war for cybertron? also I used to like the michael bay movies I didn’t see what was the problem with them, but lately things have been clicking into place and my smile has been curving into a frown, slowly now it seems the only bay movie I like is the first one (I wonder what would happen if Joss Wheadon rebooted the movies…)

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I am not a geewuner, but the Mirage-esque car and Hound were awesome in AoE

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That one dude’s car that was blue and white at the beginning. It looked like if Michael Bay put Mirage in AoE.

Well, there is a movie-verse Mirage. the red Ferrari in Dark of the Moon.

Forgot about that since I haven’t seen that one in a while. Still think that dude’s car is really Mirage. Gonna go and probably make an elaborate way that he is there…

Wait…are you talking about Rollbar?

I haven’t seen AOE yet.

No, if you see AoE, you’ll know what I mean

an image would be helpful.

I’ll find one later. Ngram I swear if you call me out on this!

Call you out on what now?

Not knowing the Mirage-like car from AoE, or liking Hound from said movie?

I don’t really mind either.

I feel like I should just leave this here because it’s funny


Not that, calling me out for never uploading the picture.

Oh lol. Yeah, I figured the joke might get old if I do it too much.

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alright so me and my friend were complaining about the transformers movies, the plotholes they have, so then I said "hey I wonder what would have happened if we made the TF movies, and this created a huge talk about it, here is what we would do
Transformers 1:
Autobots: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Rachet, Jazz
Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream, Blackout, Quake, Wreckage, Scorponok, Barricade, Soundwave and his 4 minicons

Starts off in space, the narration is optimus talking about how cybertron fell and the two factions, the end of his speech he says “We do not know how many of our brothers and sisters made it off cybertron, but we can only be certain of this, just one transport remains” then the Ark shoots by closely followed by the Nemesis, big fifteen minute ship to ship fight, pretty much the end of FOC but slightly different. Ends with both ships tumbling into the portal, and then the title shows. The ships slam into earth in the prehistoric age and both sides fall into stasis, until they reboot themselves in the present and the decepticons, all badly wounded, get away in search of energon.

The autobots befriend 2 humans, Sam and is dad who see them emerging from the Ark(we think calling them spike and sparkplug would be a little odd). This gives us time to see them interact with the humans and their personalities, Optimus: the good old autobots leader you know and love from G1 but more battle hardened (but not a freaking psychopath) Bumblebee: the little scout that could, a nice fun little autobot who always tries to prove himself (and can talk), Ironhide: the gruff weapons expert who is perfectly fine with blowing decepticons away without a moments hesitation, Ratchet: the calm medic who never raises his voice and is quietest among the autobots, Wheeljack: the (kinda) mad scientist who is always inventing and trying to get crazy contraptions to work, and Jazz: the cool Autobot second in command who is friends with everyone, basically everyone you remember from G1.

Throughout we get to see what the decepticons are doing Shockwave from cybertron says that the planet is still dead and they need to convert earth’s resources into energon and jump-start cybertrons core. We get to see the decepticons personalities here Megatron: the power hungry psycho you know, Starsream: The smart backstabbing snake who used to be an Autobot, Wreckage: The crazy loyal ready to kill on sight maniac, Quake: the arrogant thinks he can take on all the autobots guy, Soundwave: the comm officer who is fiercely loyal to Megatron, Barricade: The soldier who questions almost everything that the decepticons do, Blackout: The smart-mouth who is constantly making fun of starscream who has a rivalry with Ironhide for almost killing Chromia, there are a few skirmishes throughout the movie, but the final fight takes place in an airfield where the decpticons are getting their big score of fuel to convert to energon, but the autobots spring an ambush, and the final fight happens.

The autobots suffer no casualties, but Jazz and Wheeljack are beaten pretty hard the decepticons lose Quake, Wreckage, and Blackout, and when Megatron has had the snot beat out of him, he sees Starscream and says “help me” Starscream merely smiles and says “decepticons, Megatron has perished, all forces retreat” and flies off, Megatron has that “oh I am gonna kill you face” he turns to Optimus and begs for mercy, but has his flail ready behind him, Optimus accepts his pleas, but Megatron then whacks Optimus over the head with his flail and is about to hit the already wounded Jazz, but Optimus grabs his flail and shoves his ax into his spark, with regret in his voice he says “I’m sorry, you left me no choice” and the movie ends with Optimus and the other autobots looking over the horizon sending the message for the other autobots to come to earth.

Post Credits scene: You see a large planet and 13 beings come into picture and a large blue light comes out from under them and they look up to see a large black silhouette with an orange light coming from the center and one of them says “So it Begins”

EDIT: Imagine all these designs are FOC but with earth alt modes, so basically updated G1 (flat-face Prime FTW)


Awesome concept


Edit: made a quick update on the decepticons personalities

Hey remember how none of the Autobots in the movies are planes? well that just changed
Transformers 2 Path to destruction
Autobots: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz, Sligshot, Air Raid, Silverbolt, Fireflight, Skydive
Decepticons: Starscream, Soundwave and the minicons Ravage, Frenzy, Rumble, and Lazerbeak, Barricade is MIA, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Drag Strip, Motormaster, Dead end, Wildrider, Breakdown, and Onslaught

Movie starts with the Autobots and human military (not a lot of it though) working together to capture any Decepticons they can, there has been an attack on a Nuclear power plant, another Decepticon attempt at stealing energy. The other Autobots are currently off the assignment and Optimus is ordering the new team to stop these decepticons, the Airialbots drop in and fly into the power plant, they find 4 decepticons, Motormaster, Dead end, Breakdown, and Skywarp all with a reasonable amount plutonium, Air Raid is about to charge them and Slingshot is about to fire before Silverbolt stops them (because they would you know, probably cause a nuclear meltdown) which lets Skywarp teleport the 4 of them outside (we nerfed Skywarps teleporting power so he can only teleport 4 times before having to recharge and a relatively short distance) he gets them away by turning into jet mode and they all hop onto him. The airialbots pursue them, and Skywarp calls for reinforcements, Thundercracker flies in and fires lightning rounds to disorientate the airialbots and they get away.

The airialbots get back to base and report their failure, Slingshot is a jerk to silverbolt for letting them get away, Air Raid complains that he could have taken them, Fireflight is daydreaming and talking with the other Autobots, and Skydive is reading about history tactics they could have used, Jazz then mentions how no one has seen Bumblebee, it then cuts to Bee and Sam talking about how life has been and what the autobots as well as what Sam has been doing (life and such), bee talks about their new recruits that arrived about a year ago showing shots of them as he describes them “Well Slingshot is kind of a jerk to everyone, Air Raid is a hothead who thinks we should charge every battle guns blazing, Fireflight is more of a kid than me and a daydreaming flyer, he gets caught up in the world a lot, Skydive is the teams battle strategist who likes looking to history of humans and cybertronians alike for better strategies, and Silverbolt… well he’s the leader of this band of brothers, but the one thing is that he’s well, afraid of heights, Optimus put him in charge hoping it would keep him occupied from his own phobia and it mostly does, but he can falter from time to time”

We cut back to the Decepticons and the 5 we saw earlier arrive back to base on the moon and we get to see what “Lord Starscream” is up to he is looking over the decepticons new plan next to Onslaught. The 4 deliver their resources and start converting it to energon, anyone who watched transformers Prime will get this, Starscream is talking to Onslaught about how Thundercracker and Skywarp brought with them a large chunk of dark energon and he intends to create a new spacebridge portal to launch the dark energon onto cybertron and reanimate the dead and control them by inserting a sliver of it into his own spark which Onslaught replies “If you can even control it, and why not just have Shockwave open a portal” “because if you have not noticed Onslaught, cybertron is out of energon you fool”, we then get to see all the Decepticons interacting, Thundercracker and his big ego but at the same time his sympathy towards the humans they terrorize, Skywarp being a big idiot, Motormaster and his seriousness, Drag Strip talking about how he wishes he could fight the Autobots and says he would win, Breakdown being paranoid about the Autobots finding out about the base, Dead end not caring and being his usual depressing self, and Wildrider being psychopathic about how he would blow up the base with everyone in it if the Autobots came in.

Starscream then sends Thundercracker and Dead End on another raiding party to an oil mine, which the Autobots find and the Airialbots intercept, capturing Dead End in the process. They try to interrogate him but they really don’t need to, because knowing dead end he does not care and gives them the information they need, and they let him go because of how much he helped and did not care, Thundercracker finds him and takes him back to base. The Autobots now knowing about this insane plan, attempt to mount a counter attack, which Wheeljack has invented just the device for, a small scale space bridge (that is highly unstable) along with Optimus’ trailer which turns into a jetpack.

Optimus and the arielbots go through to attack the space bridge, still under construction it has been being built by the moons metals and powered by the stolen earth resources, due to Starscream idiotically spreading the Decepticons out, the only ones there are himself and the stunticons who are building the space bridge, Starscram sees the Autobots and orders Soundwave to get all Decepticons back to the space bridge, and he says that it will take time for them to get there, so Starscream and Optimus go head to head, meanwhile the stunticons reveal their secrete and combine into Menasor, but the Airialbots smile and merge to form Superion and we get a big combiner battle as well as Starscream and Optimus tumbling around fighting in zero G, at the end of the fight Superion throws Menasor into the primary energon generator which causes the space bridge to self destruct Menasor and Starscream get out of the blast radius and Optimus and superion get through the makeshift space portal that Wheeljack reopened, to which it also implodes on itself after the 2 make it through.

Onslaught is infuriated with Starscream, that they wasted so many resources only to get bested by a handful of Autobots and Starscream’s stupidity. The Autobots celebrate their victory but oh wait it’s not over yet, Onslaught devises a plan to use a modified dark energon shard to bring back Megatron, he, Motormaster, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Wildrider go to the atlantic where Megatron’s remains are being kept and are being kept highly guarded by a fleet of military ships. They attack and we get to see that soundwave has taken a submarine alt-mode and has been under water behind enemy lines the whole time relaying information, and when the 5 are attacking the fleet, Skywarp teleports and gets the modified dark energon shard to soundwave who transforms and kills all the people inside him and he starts working on Megatron while the decepticons distract the military, the Autobots find out and send Optimus, Ironhide and the Airialbots to deal with it, Starscream, does not know about this, he asks Dead end where everyone is and he says “Oh bringing back Megatron” to Starscream’s horror and he flies off to try and stop them, too late after the battle is done Megatron shoots out of the water, sees starscream, grabs him and flies away with him, which back at base he tells the other decepticons he left him for dead, and it’s very implied he tortures him and the Autobots go back to base not knowing what to do. They just wait for the coming battle.

Post Credits scene: One of the beings has been taken by the large orange planet and is shown being corrupted and sent back to the other 12 and they are surprised to see him, but figure out that he has gone bad and force him out before they corrupt the area they are in that has a very bright blue light.

that is the end of part 2, part 3 is where stuff will go down


Beast Wars: Transformers/Beasties: Transformers is the animated T.V. series that really got me into Transformers and thus was the one that I watched first on a regular basis (although I did see some episodes of Transformers: Generation 2 back in the summer of 1993 when school was out for the summer and a few episodes of Transformers: Generation 1 back in the mid-1980’s with my sister when I was a young child)!!! Dinobot and Megatron were my favourite characters, especially when they are in their Beast Modes (dinosaurs are one of my favourite animals, so it was a no-brainer on why I liked the Beast Modes of Dinobot and Megatron the most of all of the Transformers’ Beast Modes in Beast Wars: Transformers/Beasties: Transformers!)!!!


Can I just say Transformers Prime is my favorite series, the show, the writing, the twists, the characters. Yes the figures weren’t the best, yes Beast Hunters kind of turned it into… eh. But honestly, IT WAS EPIC. Actually got a YouTube channel dedicated to Transformers. (Shameless plug-in TFanPage101.)