@Chronicler I would also recommend Transformers Armada, but if you would like a good laugh (and also get a few references in TF Animated), watch the '80s cartoon.
saw it a while ago, that all looks great, the dinobots I’m especially hyped for
though I’m a little skeptical that those are the full waves and I believe other figures will be a part of them, mainly because you see Jazz and Optimus like 2 or 3 times, I believe other figures will take their places in the replicated ones
i hope the abominus isn’t trash looking at you menasor
EDIT: finally, a liege Maximo figure!
I’m just looking forward to a new G1 styles Optimus that combines with its trailer (since that seems to be the theme with leaders)
Not to mention G1 style Dinobots and friggen Predaking!
Yeah, these POTP leaks look good alright. I’m most excited to collect all the Prime Masters and Titan Predaking! Also, as a Bayformers guy, I’m interested in seeing what this rumored “Movie Universe” line is all about.
Well you guys are talking about those leaks of POTP and TFU toy lines, despise Hasbro talk down the leaks from almost all Transformers Fan Sites.
I know, it sucks
I’m going to get the Predaking box. I just know I won’t be able to control myself and not get it.
look at it this way
since hasbro took it all down that means it’s real if there were any doubt of it being fake
in a matter a fact…
I have loved countless robots in my time. I’d love to list them, but I’m on mobile and it’d be a pain in the butt. I might do it later.
Well, more of an appreciation of his character, really. Hopefully, since Optimus Primal is the new Prime, POTP has a fair amount of Beast Wars figures.
favorite Megatron design in general, right there
praise Alex Milne