The TTV Fall 2016 Survey Extravaganza!

Overall their is nothing missing from the channel, and the boards are fine as it is. But I have to agree with @Matanui606 with improving mobile. It way go with technical issues and I don’t go on the boards with my IPad that often. But I know it is as painful as playing a MOBA with a trackpad.

I would say more Bionicle-centric analytical content, but without Bionicle that’s kind of a null point.

I think you guys are fine as is, really.

I think that more official community contests, game nights, and general community interaction would be neat.

  1. I think there’s a sort of community connection that used to be more present, but has slowly drifted from the channel. It’s started to come back in the recent episodes though, so keep it up!
  2. I think that the boards are pretty good the way they are now. Mobile is still a bit of a bugger to use, though.

Uh, shouldn’t the people under the age minimum not be allowed on the boards?



Oh boy…


Just for clarification, on the question “How many cast members do you feel is the best size for a podcast?” Do you mean on one episode, not in the company? I’ll assume it’s the first for now.

Also, for the first question, I feel that right now the main thing missing is shows, All that is right now is Moc Spotlights, TTV and Brickfeed, since Recaps are on break (and soon over), Recents are over, Aftershow had a 1-episode comeback, Talks and BioTalk Bookclub is gone, so yeah… I would say you need a Lets Play and something to replace Recaps, and possible something more…

Second question, well, fixes to the technical issues is what’s needed, so I guess I have no other answer… Maybe some more exclusive content?



And as others have said improve the mobile site, I can’t even read anything in the bionicle category on mobile.


Hutere did by accident

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  1. Right now (and this is very subjective to me) I’d say I feel like you’re missing some sort of Bionicle legacy type series going on. As much as I still enjoy the system stuff, I simply can’t say I enjoy it as much as Bionicle. Though I know it’s hard to grow your channel and continue to focus on Bionicle, it would just be nice to me if you had some type of series where you continued to do old Bionicle related stuff like MNOG With Meso was,or how you guys talked about doing book club for the old books (I believe you mentioned it once). There’s just not many other places on YT I can go for that kind of stuff. It’s stuff that only TTV is really capable of doing.

  2. I can’t think of too much, the tech issues are the only thing that really holds me back.

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Non orange unread thingies

  1. I don’t really feel like anything is missing from your channel!
  2. Being able to host a live chat? Just a link you click on and you can chat with others on the boards about anything. No voice though. Just typing.

Some sort of ongoing lore-based BIONICLE show would be great!

  • Expanding the notification tray/making it scroll-able (similar to the notif. system in place on Facebook)

  • Some sort of preview view for topics (which would be extremely useful for sifting through MOC topics)

  • A way of filtering the topics a user has created by category. This would make it much easier to see, say, all of the MOCs/artwork a specific user has posted on the Boards.

Of course, I fully understand that these features are in all likelihood far beyond your control. Guess they’re just a pipe dream…


This sort of thing exists in the various Discord chats created from the boards.

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It’s okay Hutere, we won’t judge you if you haven’t gone through puberty yet. But we will if your below the age limit. GET OFF MA… GET OFF VAR’S LAWN!

You guys at TTV are really awesome and I’m glad to have been a follower for so long. One thing I would like is a big banner of Eljay’s face as the background for the channel. No? Then I have nothing to complain about. I would just like to see a bit more variety of content but I understand that is a little hard with the amount of staff you have.

As for the boards maybe some statistics so you could see how close you are to master? I don’t know if that’s possible though.

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Legit, I’m above the age limit.
I’ve mentioned it multiple times.


It’s okay bro. It’s okay.

  1. I feel as though it would be great to have shows for the cast members who don’t have them already (Prpl, Viper, Jon, e.t.c.).
    And really, it would be great to have another TTV let’s play coughcoughdon’tfightcoughcough. VNOG with Meso and Eljay was really what made me a serious fan of you guys’ channel.

  2. make eljay un ban memes and stop ruining our fun /s

As far as the Boards go, I do think it would be good to make older topics more visible. I mean, which when I joined, I didn’t even know that the “Introduce Yourself” topic existed! There have been similar occasions during my time on the Boards, where I find a still active, but older topics and I’m like: “How did I not know about this until now?”

Anyway, great moves guys. Keep it up, I’m proud of you. (A cookie to anyone who gets that)


Some of these questions I think should be up to you guys. You should be able to talk about whatever you want, on your podcast.


1.) I really liked the idea of game dev tycoon, (I don’t have early access) so a show like that’d be cool
2.) I like the boards how they are, but it’d be cool if when viewing a certain persons topic there was a “Like content from this user? Check out their other topics!” Link that’d take you to a list of that person’s topics