That’s right, my portfolio wouldn’t be complete without a picture of ElJay and Kahi fighting. So, here you are!
*Pictured: @Eljay , @Kahi , @Mesonak , and @prpldragon
Also, I decided to draw my own rendition of the classic chibi PrplDragon. I think it looks pretty kawaii.
You don’t know what those soulless black pits of despair have seen…
This is from a rough sketch dump of other TTV cast members, including @Venom and @Viper
And finally, here is Mini Me! No seriously, it’s a chibi version of me.
Comments and criticisms welcome!
Leave a like if you like!
I like the drawing and the idea, I just have a burning hatred for the Game Grumps.
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“I ran into a wall because I’m terrible at this game. Therefore, the game is glitchy and bad.”
but, that’s a joke. haha. See, I’m laughing… comedy
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These drawings look really nice. Great job
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@prpldragon I summoneth thou, Oh, Your Majesty Mighy Purple Dragon, I summoneth thou to vieweth this artwork of Thy Majesty
Seriously, this looks holy-mother-of-god-that-is-freaking-awesome-how-can-I-get-one!
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By paying me one million dollars.
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I have a buckler, is it enough?
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i was eating pocky while listening to the fight, does that count? 
no. only i’m allowed to own prpl plushies. you humans cannot handle their power
lol dude i was like the 6th person to like this so i saw it right away i just forgot to reply
EDIT: oh yeah this is cute btw XD
A TTV CAST MEMBER RESPONDED TO MY POST! HOLY - what do I do with my life now?
Maybe I should meditate on some distant mountaintop 'til I become a Ship Ninja.
Or I could just keep drawing.
Thanks Prpl!
I’m a big grumps fan so obviously I really enjoyed this artworko : >
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Wake me up inside

(can’t wake up)
Jesus, mates, I am crying…

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