Here’s my pitch for the Vahki.
The Vahki is a group of Matoran who undergo radical transformation in order to work as a strict police force. They are given armor, weapons, a new mask, new voice, and a new name. They are not to be referred to by their previous name or by gender, but by “Keerahk” or “Bordahk”. Their past lives are erased and forgotten, and they become the Vahki, who are basically clones of each other. Each region uses different Vahki, but the only differences are the name, mask tusks, color, and the weapons. They wield two elemental blades which can charge and release blasts of elemental energy. They also carry a Kanoka disk launcher to stun or wound criminal Matoran. They have implanted chips giving them orders from the Lead Vahki, and are trained to always accept them. Originally, they were in close ties with the ruler(s) and governments of the cities, but as time passed, they drew away, until the present, where the Vahki just accept orders from each other. They stand in streets, seeing all Matoran. They used to be a symbol of safety, but now, all Matoran fear them. Vahki are known for having accidents when trying to capture Matoran alive.
The elements correspond with their names the same as G1:
Ihuans: Keerahk
Mangaians: Nuurahk
Motarians: Zadahk
Tiroans: Rorzahk
Nahoans: Bordahk
Kanaeans: Vorzahk
Hope you enjoyed this, please leave other ideas or comments!
I would think Vahki are fully robots, made in Ihu’s tech-based society. Either that, or it is just the collective name for the guard/soldier rank that has been shown in the various matoran art (which technically fits your description).
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i think that the Vahki should be connected to the lightning matorans. Like ancient robots that would be activated by Voriki’s lightning powers for the Civil War.
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I honestly kind of like the idea of them being Matoran, but I tried to make them as robotic as possible. I imagine these Vahki as the best of the best, so a guard/soldier rank +1. Maybe they could be more cyborg than the others? I would at least give them mechanical-looking masks.
That would be cool. Maybe they were created in the past, but were stopped by the previous Toa when they got to out of control. Why would Voriki reactivate them, though? Would it be on accident, or would she want to lead an army, or would she want to supply the sides with more troops?
well in my mind, Voriki would be under the assumsion thanks to Makuta’s lies (and some visions she has had) that the Toa would be threatening the island, and thus sees the re-activation of the Vahki as a way to better combat the Toa.
That would be really cool, but why would the Vahki see the Toa as enemies? Would they think they are a threat to Matoran, or maybe Makuta changes their purpose with his powers
Actually, i imagined it as Voriki controling them thanks to her powers. Basicly i feel that one power that Lightning could have would be that of “Technology Manipulation”, thus Voriki would be able to control the Vahki she powers back on like puppets. Infact she would be able to control all that is powerd by lightning or electricity. Before you ask if she thus would be able to control the Toa or the Matorans, that is a no. Because they are biomechanical, they don’t have electricity in them.
I think I know how his could work: Vahki are trained to take any order without question. In order for commands to be given quickly and effectively, Vahki are given a chip that shows the command on a monitor. Voriki could hack into this and give them her own orders! In my History of Artahka story pitches, the chapter that is in progress currently takes place in Ihu, where I already have an inventor, so I’m going to have a couple hints to the Vahki.