Here he is without the staff. I went for trans colors, to sort-of represent data. He is made of data, and I thought he should be slightly difficult to see.
I didn’t want him to be helpless without the staff, so I gave him a cyber blade. Using it, he can encrypt things. I felt that this mold got the technological look across, while still making him look rather savage.
First, I have to say that I do not like the color scheme. I’m not saying that it’s bad, but I really dislike it. I’ll try to keep that from affecting my judgement. Looking at this MOC the first thing I see to dislike id the shoulders. His torso goes skinny-wide-skinny-really wide, and it’s rather off-putting. His weapon is almost too big, but it’s alwo rather neat-looking. Also, since it’s going for a transparent, hard to see effect, I’d recommend not having the unnecessary silver armor. Other than that, not bad.
You don’t like watermelons? /s
I’m not the biggest fan of it either, but I didn’t have enough trans-blue pieces to use that instead.
Could I ask what it is about them?
Not to be defensive, but so that I can avoid it in the future.
Yeah, figured out how to fix that this morning…
The man pourpose of the silver was so I wouldn’t have glaringly color-scheme breaking silver protector feet and head. I think the head would have been excusable, but the feet weren’t.
The secondary purpose of it was to give it a slightly mechanical look. Probably didn’t work.
Overall though, I agree that the silver shouldn’t be there. I just wish I had some trans-green protector feet. (Do they even make those?)