The Virus: MOC contest

I’m back!

Judging will begin later today.


Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh is back!

it’s 6:44 pm now

No, it’s 4:48 pm. MST

NO IT’S 6:51 PM


6:52 EST, or 4:52 MST.

We are in different time zones. Let’s settle down now.

[quote=“Spooky_scary_Ghosty, post:66, topic:13434”]

i mean


When is the judgey-judge bit?


nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

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stop it

Let’s stop the off topic discussion.


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Oh, right. Apologies, physics homework is taking longer than I expected.
(Knew I should’ve said “will likely begin”)
As much as I hate putting off yet another day what I intended to do yesterday, I have no school tomorrow. So I’ll have the whole day to do it.


Sorry for the wait! I’m right now compiling all the entries’ pics into an album on my computer. This will allow me to view them side-by-side and eliminates bias based on creator (So, for example, I don’t view StudentScissor’s MOC in a better light because he’s a cool guy).


@Spooky_scary_Ghosty’s entry
I’m guessing the one green arm was due to lack of parts, but either way, it’s pretty cool. Anyway, this MOC is rather complex, especially the hands, tordo, and head. Honestly, my biggest complaint, to even my own surprise, is the trans-purple. Normally, I like trans-purple, but this MOC I feel would’ve looked better without it. There’s also that annoying dark green, but… I once had to use a dark green hip piece on a non-green MOC, so I’ll give it a pass for presumed lack of parts. Also, random fun fact: every time I look at this MOC and see the dark green, my eyes expect to see dark blue.

@Nogus101’s entry
Even viewing this as a simplistic insectoid-is virus, it’s still got a lot of colors going on. Silver, two orange tones, three green tones… Not as much going for it, and seems like not much to it.

@Paradox’s Entryway
This MOC is rather topheavy and rather a mess. Not that that’s a bad thing; I kinda like it, as I can see this thing inspiring fear. I also like the cyclopean-looking head. The look is… a little off-putting, I’m not sure why, but it’s unnerving. I also really like the idea of a main attack exposing a weak spot. My least favorite part is the base. It’s a bit… basic (haha pun). I feel like it doesn’t fit as well with the rest of the MOC.

@Square’s entry
I just now noticed the Mixel eyes. I started laughing when I saw that. Anyway, this is… different. I’m really not sure what to make of the shape. It’s not like any real creature. It looks alien, which is pretty cool I sucrose. Not bad.

I atually don’t mind the legs on this MOC. I actually have no real complaints. maybe I’m tired, since this is the last MOC I judged, but I have nothing else to say. Also

@TBT_Emerald’s entry
First, I have to say that I do not like the color scheme. I’m not saying that it’s bad, but I really dislike it. I’ll try to keep that from affecting my judgement. Looking at this MOC the first thing I see to dislike id the shoulders. His torso goes skinny-wide-skinny-really wide, and it’s rather off-putting. His weapon is almost too big, but it’s alwo rather neat-looking. Also, since it’s going for a transparent, hard to see effect, I’d recommend not having the unnecessary silver armor. Other than that, not bad.

@@TFM101A 's entry
It doesn’t effect the MOC itself, but if it weren’t for that one Dark green leg this would be a completely 2015 MOC, which would’ve been rather cool IMO. Anyway: I’m honestly not sure what else to say on this MOC. It’s really neither very good nor very bad. I don’t care for the color scheme, but that is just personal bias that I shall ignore.

@The_Owl MOC:
This MOC may not seem very frightening, but if I go with the idea the creator suggested, that there’s lots of them, a horde with a single hive mind… Anyway, as for the MOC itself, it’s rather simplistic. It’s a small green flying thing. Some clever usage of parts.

@Toatrex’s entry
I can’t help wondering what the “Harmless mode” face is supposed to be. I’m not saying that’s a con, it just seems really strange and I can’t make heads or talis of it. That aside, I rather like the harmless mode. It looks like a large easter bunny. I can see that the dark green was allocated to one side with the corresponding side being black (when did I start using so many big words?), but I feel like that effect could be more pronounced by having more dark green. It just seems like there isn’t enough Dark green.

Anyway, the winners (in no particular order) are…
And the grand prize winner is…
Congratulations to all.



I thought I could win.

But congratulations, guys. Good job, have a party, yadee yadee yada.

Just ignore me. Just… ignore… me… :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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[quote=“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH, post:77, topic:13434”]
[/quote]3rd place! it isn’t that bad.

Anyway,congratulations @Toatrex! I knew you’d win.

I got in the top 5! :smile:
And I get to be part of the story!

I call being the nerd guy who says “this is the hardest experiment/hacking/other sciencey thing I’ve ever attempted,” then five seconds later, “I did it!”


Lol i’m dumb

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