The warrior Preistess (pre toa Gali pitch)[Artwork][ptich]

I caugt up that we are gonna introduce personallities to the different Toa. Now those that have been following the recent podcasts will know that Kopaka and Tahu is somewhat fleshed out. leaving them rivals.

Now to claim every rivalry it appears to always have been Gali that settles that kind of distputes.

Now my pitch descripes a person that mostly has resided near the city of Sails in the Water region of the island to train and pray. But knowing Water matorans are mystical and often very fishy (hah hah) Their combat stile speciallizes in the disabling of an opponent. Rather than out right slit his throat.

Now, Gali is skilled and I propose to you that instead of the classical talking Tahu and Kopaka’s relation ships into a more peaceful state she simply disables both of them at once to show that she could do so should she feel the need to do so…
Meaning they respect her in a way that they do not repsect eachother.

besides that Gail is the wisest amongst the toas and will seek to overthink things everynow and then. Yet is not afraid to take action.

Her role as a preistness allows her to get in touch with her Element.

Before she joined the Toa team she worked for the Local Elemental shrine in the water region, Chasing merchants that would sell artifacts to the other tribes, brining them to justice, meaning she at least has some knowledge about the islands cities yet never get involved.


so she is like a sentinel of her “church/shrine”

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I like this idea. It’s fitting for her character. Also, it fits with an idea I have for their mask powers (I’m just waiting to hear the newest episode first before I post it).

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I would say so.

Just go along and do it. Someone might beat you to it XP

Interesting concept you have here, as always.

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