The "Which sets should I get?" topic

Ever feel your stuck on deciding which LEGO set to purchase, whether it be at a store or online? This is the topic where those issues can be resolved.

With that being said, I found several sets that caught my eye on eBay, though cannot decide which to purchase

  • Toa Nuva’s Lewa and Onua (I already have Pohatu Nuva, though I really like Onua and Lewas characters)
  • Pohatu Phantoka (I have every version of Pohatu accept this one)
  • Keetongu
  • Avak (considering the Piraka are somewhat clone sets, I’m not to certain on this one)
  • Jaller and Gukko (there was this one listing showing off the box and the description said the set included all parts and the instructions)

I would personally go with Pohatu Phantoka, as it would complete a series of a character.


I did the same thing for Kopaka, finishing with Phantoka as a matter of fact. As much as I like Lewa Nuva, finishing a character series would be pretty important to me.

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He’s pretty bland and out of place compared to the rest of the Pohatus, so I wouldn’t bother.

I would go with Keetongu or Jaller/Gukko, for their complexity.

I’d opt for Keetongu. Titan sets are usually more interesting.

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I agree with @Rockho and @Hawkflight. Although I’d like for my Pohatu lineage to be complete, something about him just turns me off.

Maybe I’ll consider Keetongu or Jaller and Gukko

But I can’t help but look at a listing that has both Lewa and Onua Nuva for a great price

@Eljay considering you own pretty much every BIONICLE set, which would you recommend?

  • Both Lewa and Onua Nuva
  • Jaller and Gukko

That’s tough to say. My answer depends on how many of the other Nuva you have. If you have more Nuva, I’d suggest the two you mentioned. Less, and Jaller and Gukko are quite fun in their own right. You’ll end up greatly appreciating them.


The only Toa Nuva I have is Pohatu

Should I buy-
Vezon and Fenrakk

The three Toa Metru I don’t own (Nuju, Matau, Whenua)

Keep in mind that '04 is probably my favorite year nostalgiacally, but I’d also like to expand my Skakdi collection beyond just Vezok and Nektann.

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I’d say this one.

Also, I’d say this one, if for a good price, go for it.


K guys
Should i save up for Korgot or Skull warrior?

Skull Warrior, no contest.


Definitely Skull Warrior!

  • More pieces
  • Good pieces for MOCing
  • Looks cool
  • Can start an army of them

Go with Vezon and Fenrakk. Vezon’s awesome. Fenrakk has an interesting build and you’ll come across those 3 metru again but for alot less than whatever you’re looking at.

Should I get…

-Ekimu VS Kulta (Mask Maker VS Skull Grinder)

-Skull Warrior

-Some random G1 set

G1 sets are more likely to not be sold in many places, so if you want one of those i’d get it now.

The Summer sets will probably go on sale around near December/January and they’ll probably do some promotions also, so I’d leave them for now

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@Eljay Should I get,

  • Two of the Nuva
  • Keetongu

Personally, I’d recommend the Nuva. Keetongu is good, but multiple sets seem like it’d be more enjoyable.


For my small collection of 2007 sets, I am trying to collect the following:

8929 Defilak
8930 Dekar
8931 Thulox
8932 Morak

8916 Takadox
8917 Kalmah
8918 Carapar
8919 Mantax—Owned
8920 Ehlek—Owned
8921 Pridak—Owned

8910 Toa Kongu (Mahri)
8911 Toa Jaller (Mahri)
8912 Toa Hewkii (Mahri)
8913 Toa Nuparu (Mahri)—Owned
8914 Toa Hahli (Mahri)—Owned
8915 Toa Matoro (Mahri)

Who do you think would be a better fit with this group: 8939 Lesovikk or 8939 Lesovikk and 8935 Nocturn?

Edit: It CANNOT be judged by the price, considering I haven’t found a good price for either, so I can only get them from my “supplier”.



Because Jaller was the Leader of the Mahri and Defilak and Dekar would accompany Karzahni well, I guess.

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