The "Which sets should I get?" topic

Looks like it.

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Ok, thanks Eljay :stuck_out_tongue:

When I saw the Ninjago Movie set pictures I immediately fell in love with the Green Ninja Mech Dragon set, I knew I had to get it. But as time went on another set grew on me, The Lightning Jet. And now that I have the money to buy 1 of them I canā€™t decide which one. Here is my reasoning:

The Green Ninja Mech Dragon is a fantastic set, it simply looks great and is propably the best ever dragon from the Ninjago line. It has (in my opinion) great minifigures, the 3 most important to me being : Lloyd, Garmadon and Master Wu (the set also features the laser pointer). Since Iā€™ll be buying the Temple of the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon in a few months these minifigures are a major reason why I want to buy the dragon (with the temple and this set I would have all of the main characters (All of the ninjas, Garmadon and Master Wu)).

And now, The Lightning Jet
At first I really didnā€™t like this set, I thought it looked awkward and just weird. But as time went on I started liking it more and more. This set became my favourite ninja vehicle (from the movie). I love the design, it looks amazing, itā€™s unique, and itā€™s nothing like Iā€™ve ever seen from Ninjago (and I was a fan from the very beginning in 2011). This set doesnā€™t have a lot of play functions, but thatā€™s not a problem for me, I actually prefer if a set has less functions but looks better. It also features 3 unique minifigures (Ed, Edna and Krusty). And Jay is also my favourite ninja : P.

Overall the Green Ninja Mech Dragon has a cool design and great minifigures while the Lightning Jet has (in my opinion) an amazing design and slightly worse minifigure selection.
So? Which set should I buy ?
(oh, and excuse me for my bad English : P)

Personally, Iā€™d go with the Mech Dragon.

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Dragon mech all The way

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Iā€™d say you should get the mech dragon.

Which D2C set should I get?

  • Palace Cinema
  • Detectiveā€™s Office
  • Perisian Restaurant
  • Brick Bank
  • Old Fishing Store
  • Slave 1

Iā€™m not planning on getting something over $200, but if I do, which one?

  • Ninjago City
  • Assembly Square

I really enjoy the city, but parts of the square look nicer to me. Then again, the city looks nice from all areas, while the square, not as much.

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For the $150-$200 sets, I would recommend the Parisian Restaurant. Itā€™s just a superbly done building, with the ornate decorations and really nice color scheme.

As for the $200+ range, Ninjago City is just too perfect to pass on. If itā€™s not the most thought out set ever conceived by TLG, itā€™s definitely in the top three.

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Which Toa Metru is the best? Unfortunately, I got into Bionicle too late to see the Metru on shelves.

Arenā€™t they all the same?

As @Ninja said they are pretty much clone sets. At that point the only difference are the weapons and masks, so I would pick one according to those parts.

I prefer matau

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@Miraku @Ninja

Iā€™m asking which one you like the best.

@PotatoAlien Matau is the best due to his dual function swords.


The Great Mahiki is my favourite mask, and additionally, Matau looks really nice with his swords stored on his back, and heā€™s fun to swoosh with the wings out. Vakamaā€™s jet pack is similar in that regard. Onewa is also very nice.

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Vakama, with his disk launcher on his back. It can be a jet pack or create an aura around his mask.

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Just got Matau for roughly $6 off of Bricklink, which is less than his retail price.

Thatā€™s why I love Bricklink.

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Which one of these sets is better in your guysā€™ opinion? Keep in mind that I want the set for the figure, not just for pieces

Also which of these sets is worth purchasing?

frickin sideways pictures back at it again

Are those two constraction sets full price? If so, Iā€™d say neither. They are both extremely overpriced IMO, and have shoddy features (Maulā€™s permanently bent elbows, Range Trooperā€™s feet). If I had to choose one for you, Iā€™d say the Range Trooper, but I honestly cannot recommend either of them fully. Just buy some G1 or G2 off of Bricklink or eBay or something.

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or go to aliexpress and you can buy those two + other 2 for the price of a real one