Every once in a while I like to dip my toes into a very thoroughly inked illustration style. Thoughts on this?
“Another Sabretooth piece?” he asked,
As he clicked upon the topic fast.
"O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.
This looks really cool. Inks are fun! More people need to draw with ink.
The Jabberwock has made the foolish mistake of placing its head lower than the sword wielder, automatically giving his opponent the high ground. The battle is already over.
How long do you estimate this piece took?
Haha thank you!
@Ghid This is true. Honestly I think the whole thing took around 6 hours— I had a decently clear idea and perhaps allowed myself to get a bit too free and sketchy with the hatching. I went from only having Geralt inked this morning to having the whole thing done by 5 through on and off work.
This artwork is really an amazing rendition of the Jabberwockey.