The X-Wing Miniatures topic

the tie phantom generally can cloak. my opponent would likley run whisper who gets tokens one way or another. fel gets a focus (or maybe evade?) when he receives a stress token.
I also realized the resistance bomber’s “crimson specialist” pilot loaded with conner nets might work

Cloak won’t save Phantom from a 3-dice attack. It might take longer to destroy it, but it isn’t invulnerable (I used it, so I am certain). And same goes for Interceptor - its attack is devastating, but it is not really tough. So I recommend turrets and heavy firepower (rockets/torpedoes/bombs). Both YT’s, resistance bomber, VCX-100 (aka Ghost) and K-wing fit the role.

the k-wing only has a 2 die turret unfortunately, but Miranda doni + TLT + ordinance is amazing

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