Hey, everyone! This is a topic for all things “Zone of Darkness”!
The Zone of Darkness is a funny thing to me. It is a pocket dimension consisting only of darkness and a flat stone ground. Nothing else. The name is sinister, but it’s kind of just a quirky place. No one knows how or why the Great Beings created it. It has a population of about 3, by the end of the story. I’ve just had some funny observations/questions about it.
First of all, when the Zivon, the Tahtorak, and Krahka fall into it, do they just stop fighting? Tahtorak and Krahka come back later, but the Zivon does not follow them. Did they destroy it? That doesn’t seem likely since the Zivon seemed stronger in their fight.
Additionally, how do they survive for 1,000 years in there? Does the ZoD pu you in a sort of stasis? I could see the Kahgarak occasionally dropping food in there to keep the Zivon alive, but that wouldn’t explain how the others survived. Also, would the Kahgarak actually want the Zivon alive after Sidorak and Roodaka aren’t there to boss them around?
I’ll assume that the Zivon is still there, since we never heard otherwise. Other than it, there are two more known inhabitants. The first is a Kahgarak that accidently sent itself there. But I imagine that all the Kahgarak know how to get out, like the one that Whenua and Bomonga followed. The second is a Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability. It seems like such a small thing, but I am genuinely curious what happened to it. With its specific powerset, it would probably survive for at least a little bit against the Zivon. I like to imagine that they get into all sorts of Tom and Jerry hyjinx as the Zivon hunts it to no avail.
What do you guys think of the Zone of Darkness? What theories, questions, or observations do you have? How would you have used it in the story? This is the place to discuss!