TheJerminator's Toa Hagah (Canon Contest #3: Honour Guard)

I guess you can leave it up to the admins then lol

no need to have another hissy fit over semantics


I don’t recall there ever being a source saying that the Bohrok and Kaukau are made of metal.

The Kaukau is made from Kanoka, same as many other Kanohi.

Then, by connecting a series of quotes, it can be seen that Kanohi made from Kanoka are metallic (which should have been obvious anyways):

The first quote proves that the “standard” form of the Inika’s masks are metallic.

The second quote shows that the Kadin is made from Kanoka, proving that Kanohi made from Kanoka are indeed metallic.

I included the third quote just to be clear that the Hagah’s armour is made of metallic protodermis.

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This Pouks & Gaaki are giving off big “i wanna see how far i can push it without getting rule 11’d” vibes.


Your color choices are bizarre and, to be honest yet fair, ugly. Magenta and Metru brown are a hideous combination. Kualas looks like he’s wearing barf armor. Bomonga is fine, but Gaaki’s armor isn’t even metallic–and no, transparent pieces are not metallic by definition. The definition of a metallic color requires opacity. This is a weird hill to die on and you’re not really proving a point by dying on it.

The Kaukau has a transparent visor, but the entire mask isn’t canonically transparent, looking at the comics and MNOG, or even promo art:


Can’t really say it better than this. Your Gaaki doesn’t adhere to the spirit of “metallic armor” at all, even if it is shiny. The intent is clear - armor made of metals - and glitter suspended in… whatever trans-clear plastic is is not a metal.


I don’t understand why these are being criticised so harshly. I don’t see any agenda here in terms of trying to be deliberately controversial. If anything I think the matter of trans glitter not being technically metallic was just an oversight by Jerminator. And he has done nothing to deserve criticism this harsh (at least on this topic).

I personally won’t be voting for any of these except potentially Bomonga, as they conflict with several of my voting criteria. But I don’t see them as so offensive that they deserve this harsh criticism. Honestly, I’d give overly custom and greebly MOCs far more criticism than these.

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“Real life physics don’t apply in bionicle.” -Greg Farshtey himself.


And I think it looks really good. Different tastes, I guess.

I don’t know if this changes your opinion, but it’s supposed to be metallic green.

Thanks. He seems to be the favourite here.

I was thinking that the glitter in them would satisfy the requirements; they aren’t purely transparent, though the renders make it hard to tell.

Hmmm, good point.

Still though, even without a precedent, I think it’s a little much to say that transparent metal is canonically impossible.

Not quite.

I’m fine to let the legality of the armour be decided by the mods.

The hill that I will die on is that translucent metal is canonically allowed in Bionicle in general, even if this specific application doesn’t fit the rules of the Hagah contest. That’s kind of off-topic, though.

I have some bad news for you about the real-life existence of 7 foot tall, biomechanical, Element-wielding warriors.


Thats… missing the point somewhat. It is pointy, yes, but it also looks silly. Plus Noriks spear isn’t “pointy” so one could reason that being “pointy” doesn’t really matter in this context. It just matters that it looks cool, or perhaps more to the point, that it looks appropriate for the context. I would argue that the fairy wand doesn’t look appropriate.

That is true, and very fair. That have been many entries that look similar to yours, and i suppose that yours would be by no means the worse. I think the issue here is more the fact that your entry didn’t have to be so odd-looking at all. When you decided to use the translucent glitter colour for the armour, you should have pretty much instantly identified that you wouldn’t be able to complete the MOC using only official lego parts. For example, the only mask that was ever released in that colour was the Avohkii and you couldn’t use it, so you knew right off the bat that your Gaaki would include one custom-coloured part. At this point you could have either accepted that you needed to use custom parts and used enough to make a really good looking MOC, or just picked a more realistic colour for the armour. You did neither and ended up with a weird MOC.

That was really more of a turn-of-phrase than anything. Perhaps i could have been clearer. You have been vocal but perhaps no more than anyone else.

While you might not have had these four exact MOCs in mind the whole time, they are certainly the direct product of what you’ve had in mind this entire time.

This brings to mind the phrase “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”. Just because no one has ever expressly said “there is no translucent metal in the bionicle universe”, that isn’t fair ground to assert that it must then exist in an unseen capacity. Bionicle is a fantasy world with MANY fantasy elements, so transparent metal would fit well in the setting, but like Greg never said there isn’t translucent metal, he also never said there is.

That being said, i would say that the argument that some people have made against you that transparent metal cannot exist in Bionicle, because it is hard to make in real life, is nonsense. Its Bionicle, you can’t do any of it in real life.

Finally, you pointed out the Bohrok and the Kaukau both existing in Bionicle, and both being translucent. Thats true, but i argue that masks and the Bohrok (probably) are made out of Protodermis. The Hagahs armour however is made out of “precious metals”, not Protodermis. Ergo the Bohrok and the Kaukau cannot be used as a justification for the Hagah having translucent armour. So now we’re back at square one - no one said there isn’t translucent precious metals, but no one said there is.


True, but that one part is the mask; due to the nature of the contests, people seem to be more okay with custom masks than custom anything else.

At the end of the day, yeah; parts of it look a little more odd than they would have if I had just recoloured other parts, but it was still fun to work with such a limited amount of parts.

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I know that, we all know that by now, it’s still a vomitous hue.

Here’s the problem: by trying to canonize trans metals on a Hagah, you’re requiring the addition of entirely new canon for your submission to be valid, which isn’t the point of this contest. There is currently no indication that trans metals exist in the MU or on Spherus Magna, naturally or otherwise. If you have to canonize an entirely new substance, perhaps even a new chemical element, just to make your MOC canon-compliant, then there is something wrong with your submission. It may be possible in canon, but that’s totally irrelevant. These contests are for solidifying existing canon, not writing new canon.

And the glitter doesn’t count as metallic. The glitter isn’t what the armor’s made of, it’s in the armor. If you paint a Lego piece with liquid gold, it’s still plastic, it just has gold on it.

Also, to make a glitter mask requires you to make a resin cast of a piece AND to put metallic flecks of the right color in the resin. That inhibits the accessibility of this model because, to recreate it, you’d need a lengthier process and more materials than just painting a part–all so you can say you pushed the envelope on your Hagah entry.


You know what, i gotta just roll over for that one. That is a typically absurd and counter-intuitive statement from Greg but if he said it, he said it.

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i like these model in some sections. Not really a fan of some of the metal colours, but the pieces used for it are balancing it out. But the consents on the color changes make me not vote for it. Sorry.

On the debate about clear metals: the armour is made of protodermis types. But its mostly metallic protodermis. So I shouldn´t see why Gaakis armour should be transparent right? WRONG: Since there is crystalline Protodermis, we could easily say it is crystalline PD with alot of metallic PD mixed in.

I mean people are adding new canon by using custom masks on their designs. Transparent metal doesn’t feel that much more significant than a new mask, IMO. We know nothing about the precious metals Norik and Iruini have. Adding anything in this regard is like ‘canonical fluff’ that has no real substance.

Anyway, I do strongly agree with the argument about reproducibility, which is the main reason I wouldn’t vote for this Gaaki. I just don’t get why Jerminator is being lectured about why his designs are ‘bad’ (which they’re not, at least from a purely aesthetic perspective).

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Why couldn’t it be metallic protodermis?

The Helryx Contest wrote new canon with the standard shape of the Mask of Psychometry, so why is this any different? There was also no indication that Helryx had any tubes going into her head, yet that’s what the canon design has.

The reason WholesomeGadunka’s switching hammer wasn’t allowed to be canonized is because it involved background details that couldn’t be conveyed in the single canon image; Greg would have had to separately canonize that piece of trivia. This, on the other hand, is part of Gaaki’s appearance, so it should be all good.

There’s also no indication that the colour pink exists in the Bionicle universe (remember, Tahu and Vakama’s eyes don’t count since they’re only pink in the sets), but I don’t see anyone complaining about that.

We’ve seen it. It’s opaque.

That was explicitly part of the contest. The same was the case with Artakha.

Uh…Gadunk’s Artakha wasn’t DQ’d. It just lost the contest.

It doesn’t exist IRL, either. We only perceive it because of a quirk of how our brains interpret light, but pink doesn’t actually correlate to a real wavelength of light, and not all animals can see it.


Just want to throw this out there.

Transparent masks like the Kaukau and Rau are still made of metallic protodermis.

Honestly, this is the best. Flat colors like Mata red aren’t allowed (even though there was an argument about whether fictional metals must be “metallic”), so this might be disallowed as well.

On a completely unrelated note, what piece is Gaaki’s chest plate made out of?

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Part bb0172:{"color":101,"iconly":0}

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not saying that you can’t have glitter gaaki
but maybe it wasn’t exactly the best idea