TheJMPofArcadia's Artwork Request Topic

My hood and head shape are a bit on the wonky side, but I dig all of these, especially the Interrogation.

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Mine is too accurate. Good job, I mean it.

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Eheh…I just made it in a few minutes, so soz

but other then that yeah I guess they’re all good. Ish.

I’ve always wondered what my self-MOC would look like in an artistic representation… Could you maybe do that? Sorry, I don’t have any poses or anything in mind.


Well, I didn’t expect to see him climbing a tree(since it’s meant to be a Toa of Plasma), but it’s still pretty good.

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looks coo m8

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That’s actually really accurate to my MOC of him! He’s got Metru shoulders, and uses a sword/shield n’ everything!

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Hey @JMP, you still doing this?

maybe, what’sit to ya?

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Feel like sketching this guy sometime?

Could you do a portrait of this character