This Bear Wants To Eat Me? (The story of a Board Member's close encounter with a bear)

There is currently posted outside my window with an injured leg. I love bears, and my dog keeps scaring it off, but it keeps coming back, it’s staring at me, man! I think it wants me to help it or something idk.
What should I do?

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Uh, what? Does this topic have a point?

What should I do?

Can you explain yourself a little better? There’s a bear outside your house? Call 911.

I guess that’s true. Got you.

No but this topic is kinda useless huh? My bad. @Chronicler @Political_Slime Okay guys.


Nah. Call 911 and say it’s injured. They’ll know what to do.

pm me. No political discussion on the boards.

Alright to both of those things :smile:


So, uh, did someone get the bear yet?

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Yeah they’re sending Fish and Game out to help me. I’ll keep you posted.


Oh yeah, stay in your house and keep an eye on it.


Fish and Game just got here, they’re gonna tranquilize it, take it to a vet and have it relocated to the woods. They also found on cub up in a tree, so now they have to do a sweep in case there is more

Edit They found two more cubs, and the mamma bear has been tranquilized and loaded on to a van with the cubs. They’ve told me to keep a watch out for any other cubs or bears. They’re going to leave and take the bears to the vet then to the relocation place. The lady who talked to us said that she’ll let us know how the mamma does, and that the whole family is being tagged so she can let me know how their doing if I should ever want to know.


Sweet! Glad it was resolved peacefully.

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That’s great to know that everyone came out okay! :slight_smile:

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@Booster_Gold @helryx As am I.


hopefully there were no more cubs


T’is what I was thinking

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Yeah man, I was still worried about it wen they left, but if I see any I’ll let them know asap.


This topic is now closed. New replies are no longer allowed.

Story has been resolved.

(If there’s more to this story, @MagiKarp_Splashes, just PM me and I may re-open the topic)