This is my interpretation of Tahu if he lost more than his mask

In this MOC Tahu lost both his arms and his unity creature in battle. Feeling utterly defeated Tahu had no choice but to quit. However the Great Spirit had other plans. The Great Spirit spoke to Tahu but said only one word. “Rise”, at that moment fire formed where his hands once were. Tahu could feel what the Great Spirit intended for him and used his power to create new arms out of flame.
As the long intro said this is a arm less Tahu that rebuild himself using fire. If i had to give him a name it would be Tahu the Phoenix Tao.
Since the arms were the main focus of the build i made them custom. His back is also has a new creature The creatures name is Ember and he to carry Tahu’s arms. So that’s it for my MOC Tahu the Phoenix Tao


I can’t really see much of Tahu.


Could you take more photos for tahu I really cant see him

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Yeah, post some pictures please?

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What the heck is going on?


Hey Deistico, instead of double posting, edit your posts. The pencil button allows you to do that. Double posting is against the rules, but I’ll let it slide for now since you’re a new user.



Tahu almost died BUT GORUZ KNOWS OTHERWISE!!!Also, the Tahu part of this moc Is pretty incoherent imo