
Gathered friends listen again to our legend of the Bionicle. Today I present!..Thulox! The Hydruka and the last version of Hydruka I am doing for a while haha. Due to so many changes yet again, it is a seperate character and thus considered a separate moc entirely in my eyes. I added a whole bunch of details. It has 42 more parts than the previous Hydruka.

There are pistons for the waist and tail that work with the articulation. The original zamor launcher that went with Thulox was added with alot of additional details, many other things that go in-between armor parts and inside the body frame. Lastly I added and changed the tail as well. I truly hope you like it and I promise the next MOC will not be a Hydruka :wink:.


I really like this shot here:

The mechanical detail under the armor is great. It actually looks like a machine wearing armor


WOW! thank you so much my friend! Iā€™m really glad you think so!