
Thunderstorm is an ally to sandstorm, and a Toa of lighting. She does have the blue and white colors.

Thunderstorm or thunder for short is agile, and smart. She can analyze her oppents in mid fight, and she will then overwhelm them with her lighting abilities. Thunder can summon lighting, has limited flight, and send out bolts of lighting from her palms. She can easily recharge her elemental energies by absorbing electrical base attacks. If she gets pissed off she enters something called Storm’s Might, where she floats a little bit off the ground and has lighting Cain outside of her body. She can use the lighting to form shields or send it towards enemies shocking them, while she is extremely powerful during Storm’s Might she has to really get pissed off, and only if she has enough elemental entergy as it drains a lot of power.

As for personality she can be lighthearted, and enjoys messing with her team mates. If there is ever danger she will become
More serious, but still flings insults coated in jokes at her oppent to taunt them. She is not really open to people, and only shares her true personality to her teammates, or people she really trust.
She and Zetra have know each other for a long time, as Zetra train Thunder to use her powers.

Thunder has two weapons; the shock shield which sends a small shock to anything that hits it, and a lance. Thunder foes
Not prefer other weapons and only uses them as a last tresort since she was not trained in all forms of weaponry. Her experiance is limited to swords, shields, and lances.

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Awesome moc there

Thanks I have been waiting for a while to finally complete her

Nice job. I only have one problem, and that is the red on the staff.

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Yeah, I really just left that there for no reason. I have a black one, but really wanted to leave the red for some reason…