Time to talk about League of Legends!

I am in BronzeV still
but I am training up
to do Top and Mid roles
here are my Champions I will be training

  1. Fiora: Must perfect Riposting and Vital poking
  2. Kha Zix: though I am a Slayer with him I need to get him into Mid
  4. Karthus: The Clicking must be good and Requiem timing
  5. Ekko: I am going to be the best with this AP fighter
  6. Master Yi: Must roam

I have escaped bronze 5 by being an ekko main!!!

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Well I have been testing a Semi Tank Fiora build

TIP build Titanic Hydra

@Hafynx I have Played my first Xerath Game
We won a Four Versus Five

I’m rather pleased with this Jhin game. Everyone on my team was silver apart from me and my friend (we’re unranked).

I’m Xenoneater

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So I was just on the site
not only have they released the blood moon skins
but have also decided to expand Mount Targons Lore aswell
Pantheon Leona and Diana have new lores
but they have 2 places left
meaning champion Lores are being reworked

@Hafynx ,@TeslaEffect what do you think of this?
even though I know you have seen it

I don’t actually own, or know anything about the game.

The game is great though

There is a beginner roster for players until summoner level 6, and it doesn’t change like the weekly 6+ roster.

Aatrox, Ashe, Garen, Graves, Jinx, Katarina, Kha’Zix, Lux, Riven, and Ryze

Note that Kha’Zix is already in that roster, so you could take him out right away. However, he is one of the 6300 IP champs, so it would be best to familiarize yourself with a cheaper champ as well, so you can purchase them with IP immediately.

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Oooh shiny

As are Kindred and Azir

why must all the cool kids be so expensive :stuck_out_tongue:


also Kha’zix Is a great champ
I mainly play him top and mid
you might need to get use to how you play him
since you get to alter his abilities over the course of the game

and if you want to try Kindred

Well, my mains, Nocturne and Chogath are 4800 and 1350 respectively. :stuck_out_tongue:


most of my mains are in the 6300 to the 4800 price

I right now have mostly been playing Ekko
since he suits my style of play the most
similar to Maokai

The Champion Spotlight is kinda my source of knowledge for LoL. I don’t know much but anything I do know came from that or the wikia.

My main in HotS (Zeratul) used to be tied with a whole bunch of others for the most expensive but then this egotistical jerk edgelord named Alarak came in with his gorgeous voice and upped the max price to 15k gold and not 10k :stuck_out_tongue:

No seriously his voice is so gud

crap no can’t get off topic

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if you ever want to play as a Egotistical Champ in LOL one day
here be your Man

Speak of the devil…

I just saved up enough to buy Kah’Zix. :smile:

I’ve missed him soooo much since the time I played him on free rotation around a year ago.

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so decided to do some hextech stuff
got 3 skins for champs I don’t play

I feel happy

Still rocking an 80% winrate with Fiora. Decided to switch it up and play Katarina, ended up playing top lane as her and somehow managed to beat a low diamond Maokai. Felt pretty good, especially since my Katarina needs a lot of work.

Also got Demonblade Tryndamere from a box, which was alright.

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Finally got my last S as Darius for level 7.

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I keep getting S- on Nocturne…

I just want to get two more S so I can get level 7.

The game itself is rather boring, but the story is interesting…even if its Diet Warcraft.