NOTE: Feel free to skip to the third paragraph for the start of the actual meat and potatoes of my question.
This question comes about for a sort of dumb reason. I’m currently in the process of revamping my “Bionicharacter” (or whatever you want to call a non-MOC-represented BIONICLE self). My character’s always been sort of bland; basically just a beefed-up version of Tahu Nuva with a huge sword. So I’ve taken that idea, thrown it in a blender with some DBZ and Sonic the Hedgehog influences, and hit “frappe”, producing something a bit leaner, more color-diverse, and overall more unique. (It’s still in a conceptual stage, but I may post an art topic for it at some point.)
Anyways, I was trying to decide which mask to use with the design, and I eventually began to consider the totally-not-fanfictiony-or-cliche idea of establishing my character as a time-traveler from the future, wearing the/a version of the Vahi, with the design using the adapted Kakama Nuva as a representation of that mask. (The idea of repurposing an adapted Kakama as the Vahi actually comes from a friend of mine’s theory involving the adapted masks in general.) I actually really liked the idea, and even drew up some conceptual sketches for the overall design… until I remembered the obvious: the Vahi can’t send you through time; it can only slow or speed up time around a target. Sad Jakura was sad.
But then it got me thinking. Like, really thinking. There must be some sort of time travel in the MU, I thought. There’s dimension-hopping, reincarnation, body-switching, time manipulation, biomechanical-to-mechanical evolution, etc. – all kinds of weird stuff. Surely there has to be a medium with which to travel through time.
I did my research and didn’t find anything. The Vahi is indeed incapable of time travel; the Olmak can only send you throughout the multiverse, or act as a telelporter; there’s no device or vehicle or weapon that can harness time; and there’s no being, Great or otherwise (that I/we know of), that can perform the desired function.
But even before I’d confirmed this through research, I’d already been brainstorming of an alternative; an unlikely alternative, but an alternative nonetheless.
I’m a comic book fan, and as such I like to watch TV shows and movies based on comic books, including CW’s “The Flash”. In the show, the Flash was able to time-travel using his speed. He basically ran until he reached a certain high speed which allowed him to “bend time” and exit reality. Certain velocities can project him a specific distance backwards or forwards in time, and across dimensions, as well.
Well, we all know the MU has a means of achieving great speeds – the Kanohi Kakama, or in what would be my character’s case, a Kakama Nuva. The latter of these is capable of greater speed than the former, the top speed of which is undefined*. The Kakama Nuva even provides the user with heightened reflexes and senses, as well as the ability to pass through solid objects by rapidly vibrating one’s molecules – all powers that are possessed by the Flash. (The very fact that the Nuva version allows its user to phase through things lends itself well to my idea that the speed capable with it is on the same level as the Flash, meaning time travel could be possible, too.)
So the big question, if not already obvious at this point, is: Can one use a Kanohi Kakama - or at the least a Kakama Nuva - to achieve enough speed to travel through time? (Using the method (or one like it) from “The Flash”, specifically.)
(Just to be clear, we can only assume this is possible by accepting two hypotheses: 1) the ability to “bend time” via high speeds is possible in the MU [not necessarily in real life since we aren’t discussing about reality], and 2) the Kakama Nuva can allow the user to achieve the speed necessary to perform the action.
I’m hoping there are some fellow BIONICLE fans who know more about this stuff than I do that can help provide me with a clear answer. I’m not aware if the Flash-time ability is based on real science or not, but it was the only example I had on my mind to go off of. I’d appreciate any thoughts anybody has on the subject. And of course I only bothered to cite one fiction example of time travel via speed; I’m sure there are more fictional examples, and maybe even a real-life theory or two. If that’s the case, I’d like to hear about it/them.
But yes, discuss away. Or blow me away with a simple answer telling me everything I think I know is wrong. I’d appreciate either choice.
*Based on some discussion on BZP, it seems that an ordinary Kakama might be possible of allowing its user to move at a few times the speed of sound; and that’s not even described as the limit. Not to mention that the Kakama Nuva’s more powerful than even that…