Time travel proven?

Why was that flagged?

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Depends on what you mean by “things”

Right now all we can do is send back little particles.

We’re a loooooong way from sending a human back in time. Kek, even sending an atom backwards is beyond our current capabilities.

Because now all Anaru’s posts are getting flagged even if they are on-topic.

Why, I do not know.


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mod corruption /s

As I said in the alien topic this kinda stuff has been in my armor for ages.

(Response to topic, not to @21sselliW)

He got uppity in one of the rules topics.

The article said that they have a formula they says it should be possible. Unless I missed something, nothing has actually been sent back yet. Nor is there a way to prove that it would be successful in the first place.

If I read the article correctly, this was only a simulation, correct?

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Yeah, okay, I meant that right now all we can hypothetically do is send back little particles.

Either way, we’re a long way from being able to send back whole objects.

Unless a major breakthrough is made.

Which could happen.

It might even happen tomorrow at around noon.

We might actually have a message from the future now that has yet to be sent.

Or I could just be making stuff up.


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So, does anyone else have a problem with time travel being invented?


I didn’t before, and I was surprised by your harsh reaction to it, but now that I think of it more, even if we can’t send physical object backwards, sending energy particles back is dangerous. Think about it. Some scientist is messing around with trying to send a packet of energy backwards in time. Accidentally blows up a chunk of New York in 1958 or something.

I think it would be something like the nuclear Bombs – usage of it is forbidden, but the fact that it exists means that here is always the threat that someone will be able to use it. I foresee that if it is invented, it might be used to stop a war, but just as with the bombing of Japan, the results will convince people that using it is much too dangerous. It will be kept by the Government, but someone will always try to use it. Today, we have other countries trying to duplicate nuclear bombs. Imagine if they were trying to duplicate time travel tech instead. And it’s not like we keep that a secret. The development of the atomic bomb was secret, but time travel? Every scientist who makes a breakthrough on it shares it with the world.

This is because the world is excited about it. But with articles like this, if time travel is invented, anyone with enough money and a science degree can recreate it.
