Toa Tupuhi, Toa Uira and Toa Senit
Toa Grysa and Toa Syrlok
Toa Varian and Toa Teka
Toa Teruu and Toa Warku
Toa Whakuna and Toa Norik
Toa Tupuhi, Toa Uira and Toa Senit
Toa Grysa and Toa Syrlok
I like the style and parts usage of these mocs. Varian especially looks good.
Thank you very much.
Big meaty paws.
Toa Teruu mast be pretty vain to have his own face used as shoulder pads Varian with a scarf is cool. but i think the best is toa syrlok. That’s gotta be one of the best po-toa designs i’ve ever seen.
Thank you
Ok thank you, he is a favorite of mine too.
Ok, in all seriousness, I really like all of these, but the yellow one is amazing, and is the best out of all of them. I love the silhouette of him, and it just works with the color scheme.
Thank you very much.
Cool Toa MOCs! I like that you were able to make the Metru build a lot more interesting! My favorites are Teruu and Syrlok!
Nice, thank you very much
really love your Varian
Thank you very much.