Toa Gaaki and Pouks (NOT FOR CONTEST)

Since the contest has already started, I might as well share my designs now. I will not be entering the contest as I have neither the pieces nor the laptop to create a moc.

Here’s Gaaki with an inorganic kadin to honor Toa Jovan. She’s described as “feisty” so I went and gave him a more masculine kanohi with spikes. Hero factory armor pieces and spikes were added to match the texture of her mask.

Pouks was described as a “loudmouth” so I gave his kanohi the shape of another well known loudmouth, Matau. This design uses a round hero factory piece and a brick slope for the shoulder armor.

Both masks were created by none other than @Galva_Nize which you can find their masks here:


Luckily, you don’t need to do that.

If you wanted to, you could add some weapons to this artwork and submit it.

These look pretty good, though I’m not quite sure what Pouks’s metallic colour is. Is it metallic blue, or more of a purple?


It’s metallic blue. Wait isn’t this a moc contest?

It’s a free for all. Mocs and art in the same arena.

There’ll be an art-only portion later to draw the whole team together, though

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Thanks although I want to draw something a little more impressive for this contest. It’ll have the same armor so you can look forward to that.


I like how you distributed the colours! It looks distinct and original, but also like a real set that Lego might have made back in the day.

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