Toa Gaaki (Canon Contest #3 -- Honor Guard)

Entry photo

Design reasoning
There were a couple of things I tried to to keep in mind with this entry and those were to use parts from around, of before the Hordika era, and keep the build as close to the pre-existing Hagah as possible.
For the spear I chose the staff tip from Lerahk, as I thought it would work for a bident like appearance.
For the mask I chose the Hau; because I thought it looked neat, and I used the Lhikan version because it was the new version of the Hau during the Metru era.

Front, side, and back view

Height comparison
According to measurement on height, Gaaki stands at the exact same height as Iruni (25.8 studs); without the masks.

I give consent for my mask to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
I give consent for my metallic color choice to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (Yes)
I give consent for my spear tip to be altered in the final group art if the artist chooses: (No)

The file

Toa Hagah Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard


nice. a bit similar to other gaaki entries i have seen, but i like the hordika legs i dont think i seen them on a gaaki but maybe another has one idk

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