Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

Some people want to try to hash it down further. You don’t have to keep interacting with it if you feel its not doing anything for you

I want to be able to interact but understand it is futile if we just keep going in circles.

Well if you can’t find a different valid point of discussion then you’ll be disappointed to find people still find it worth trying to discuss it. So… enjoy I guess?
Who knows, you may sway someone yet.
Or we could discuss gear function. In my opinion I think the winning moc should be able to have gear function. Anyone else?

Technically “You don’t have to keep interacting with the discussion if you don’t like it” is irrelevant when you’re only having this discussion at my mercy.

We’re working on it, and at this point everything that could possibly have been said has been said. Now if anyone has anything they’d like to add beyond “Metru Torso Required,” “Custom Bad,” or “Make it a total free for all” I’m all ears, but if this conversation is going to continue in this circle of solutions suggested eventually just devolving into snark and “MUH METRU BUILD” then for the love of all that is holy at least try not to all be so stubborn about it? I don’t want to suspend people just for having conversations, but I’ve also been saying for three days now to play nice and it’s always the same people who somehow manage to forget that.

Six months this conversation has been going in circles like this. Seriously guys, something is deeply wrong when Ghid is the most reasonable person in the discussion.


yeah, I decided to back off when I realized that.

someone send help he’s in my head


Listen to Kini
Something is seriously wrong

OKAY so with my measurements I also nabbed stupidly large pictures which for some reason I cannot shrink the file size of! so I cropped them in MS paint like a true professional ok here they are

With the assistance of Metru Mike, my lovely mangled corpse of a moc from a long time ago, I will show you any and all physical variation of the Metru torso! Whoopie doo

This is the shoulder width with and without bushings. 5 stud width without bushings and 7 stud width with bushings. Also yes that is a red pin, is your blood seething yet?

The measurement of the hips is 5 stud width from ball center to ball center and one stud down to account for the geared center portion of the piece. I don’t know if TTV or anyone wants to get literally that specific with it but I will do my duty regardless.

With the Iruini-style torso armor, it adds one unit worth to the depth of the torso, which from the shoulder is 3 studs’ worth. The distance from shoulder to back extension is also 3 studs’ worth, for anyone curious.

And the Norik-style torso adds two units, making it 4 studs’ worth from the shoulder. For those still curious, the back is still 3 studs’ worth.

Now I literally did not get a picture of the measurement of the hips’ distance from the torso when at its closest configuration, so you will have to take my word for it that it’s 4 studs’ worth. Please believe me.

Here is the second configuration, which is - you guessed it - five studs’ worth. Iruini is so proud of his emaciated waist. Ok apparently not Ok apparently actually yes

Here is the third and last normal configuration, which sits at 6 studs’ worth. Angle made this difficult to prove and I highly recommend someone crosscheck me on all of this.
EDIT: Apparently Iruini is actually THIS tall and THIS emaciated get the dude a sandwich my goodness
EDIT EDIT: No I was right the first time, get him half a sandwich

And here, for the absolutely mentally ill, is the most ludicrous hip placement I have ever seen in my life. It’s technically possible, but it could not possibly stand without other parts built around it to keep it remotely sturdy. If you make a moc with this, you have a problem. This orientation sits at 7 studs’ worth.

EDIT: I am stupid tiny brain dumb dumb I cannot believe I completely forgot: you can just push the hips up into the gearbox area which makes the smallest configuration 3 studs from hip ball to top midsection axle. I apologize I am literally dumb brain

And uh… That’s it. Neck differences are yours to determine and I don’t think that anyone’s going to make too stupid of a neck, but again, your decision. Let me know what you guys thought of Metru Mike’s performance.




I may have misinterpreted you I think

Either way, here is Iruini’s hips, only two pinholes remaining

V I think I just read your post in the wrong order, my B

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hey wait, I was right


I was right


To be honest it’s because making canon contests for existing characters is treading a thin line to begin with. The matter is too dear to some people and it is impossible to please everyone. The Hagah in particular amplify the issue further because we have already seen two of them.

I honestly don’t think it is worth the irreparable damage done to the canon in the eyes of some people just for the temporary pleasure of some other people during the limited time of the contest. It is clearly not worth it in my opinion but here we are anyway.

I hope the six months of discussion on the matter have made some people realize that these contests might not be the brightest idea ever, even if it might have looked fun at first. In my opinion it had done more harm than good already.


Norik is also with that hip config too tho, so the Hagah are definitely both tall as far as Metru that we currently have to base off of. Kind of really seals in the ‘elite warrior’ energy

Actually upon reviewing it seems some of the Metru are taller than the others based off of hips. I didn’t remember that actually. I think different hip heights are good though, adds unique character quality

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For the next step in my analysis I will build Mimic’s thunderthighs and slap them on Onewa’s torso to gauge just how impressive they are


Yeah I really don’t care that the conversation has been happening I care about how it’s been happening.

Preaching to the converted, mate.


This Is Hagah Harald, with you measurements this would be a completely reasonable build if you disregard the colors I assume?

Its the same dimensions as Whenua metrus torso construction that being the one where the top pin of the waist part sits inside the gear box for clarification. However without further ado here is Hagah Harald

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That doesn’t look like it holds up to the shoulder measurements

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The proportions might vaguely be to scale with a Metru build but the body doesn’t resemble one at all. The silhouette should at least be resemblant of a Metru, and I’d honestly just prefer the stock torso.


Yes but the ruling Ghid suggested only cared about measurements

The shoulders needs some work I do agree but this was merely a mock up.

edit: Slightly tweaked it

The fact is that the two are linked, actually. It’s because the matter is so dear to some people that it is very hard for them to have a civilized conversation about it. I’m not saying it is fine to be disrespectful to others of course. My point is that the very fact that the conversation is so tense with so many people going overboard is a symptom that the subject itself was dangerous to tackle to begin with.

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And I recognize that and respect it. I just genuinely, after six months of warning people and reminding people to be respectful and nice about this discussion, don’t care if people feel strongly. That doesn’t give people the right to go off on other people and act like their individual interpretations of things are the only way things should be.

This is a community effort, and while I may not be the happiest that we’re still going around in circles about this, or that this contest is even happening in the first place, I understand the why and I am well aware of how controversial and dear this topic is to people.

It’s still not an excuse to be [insert strong word here].

And ultimately, the fact is that if people can’t have this discussion civilly, then they should excuse themselves from the discussion. Preferably before I excuse them myself.


And here I thought that all of the recent conversation WAS the civil portion so far